Clear Intentions With Elevated Emotion - Manifesting Your Happiness - Scotty Cooper ft. Kaela Cooper

Clear Intentions With Elevated Emotion - Manifesting Your Happiness - Scotty Cooper ft. Kaela Cooper

Scotty Cooper

3 года назад

71 Просмотров

A great part of my relationship with my wife is that we are not dependent on each other for our own happiness.✨

We both realize that happiness is a choice we make instead of a result of something else. We make the conscious decision to be happy and we don’t depend on the other for happiness. 😃

I love that we are both great at what we do independently, yet when we are together we heighten each other’s strengths. 💪🏼

We took a business class together our senior year of college, and our professor said, “1 plus 1, can not equal 2.” Meaning, that when you have a partnership, you can not only be the sum of its parts. A true partnership needs to create added value. This idea perfectly describes my relationship with my wife. ➕

Follow me on social media @scotty_cooper
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