Bux Zero Bux Crypto Merger Almost Complete - 600.000 New Bux Token buyers lined up

Bux Zero Bux Crypto Merger Almost Complete - 600.000 New Bux Token buyers lined up


54 года назад

284 Просмотров

Register for an account on Bux Crypto via: https://getbuxcrypto.com/r/p8MKPAWe will both receive €10,- worth of Bux tokens!

The latest news on the Bux Zero Bux Crytpo merger was released this december when the founders of Bux Crytp held an Ask Me Anything on their Telegram group. Questions from the public were answered by founders Kai and Sebastiaan, who got quite a few of the same questions. Two questions asked many times over: when will the merger be complete and what will the utility model look like?

In this video I go over their answers to these questions as well as some others I deemed important. Today some Bux Zero users got to beta test the integration, which must mean that it is not far off for other users as well. Will 600.000 potential buyers be able to buy Bux Token at the end of the month? And will they actually buy the token given the opportunity? We'll sit back and wait. In the meantime, get your Tokens while you can!


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