Existence is Quite Weird - Alan Watts

Existence is Quite Weird - Alan Watts

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@yomusic8940 - 13.03.2021 09:52

Bollywood actor shahrukh khan said don't become PHILOSOPHER till you become RICH ......I m little confused 🤔

@cagehfh - 17.03.2021 12:38

We were born out of nothingness and that will be our ultimate return.. All that is left are your pictures..

@rareone5041 - 18.03.2021 18:01

There are those who live in the shallows safe and happy and then there are those of us who live in the deep, always wondering what’s next. Life truly is a trip!

@stevemajic2958 - 19.03.2021 20:12

More like this please

@freddyblack8394 - 21.03.2021 07:43

Cynical serinity and bliss...... thanks for the heads up on being nuthin'🤔💖

@willmidgette9079 - 25.03.2021 07:51

Alan watts was a genius. Ahead of time

@gbaby9629 - 13.04.2021 10:16

I can’t make myself follow any of the things everyone else follows. I need to believe something. I didn’t as far back as I can remember. They were playing a cartoon For all the kindergarten kids . Everyone was screaming and they were so excited and I wonder why they were screaming . They were not interested in this old cartoon until they all started screaming together. I was just watching scream wondering why they like this cartoon now and not at home. I haven’t quite felt right

@gee_ - 30.04.2021 08:04

Anyone seriously interested in the question "Who am I?" I invite you to check out Ramana Maharshi.

@EpicMinecrafter296 - 13.06.2021 13:07

I think part of the reason why I don’t like having friends is because all people ever talk about is meaningless shit like work, distractions etc. Meeting new people is also painful with all the dull small talk. I just find most people are a copy and paste of what they think society will accept. Anyone else feel this way or am I just fucking weird lol

@HDGamingSoccer - 13.07.2021 09:31

Watch this while your high

@offthewall3988 - 25.07.2021 12:58

Kill me ,there's nothing to live for

@RobbieNero - 02.08.2021 14:05

Existence is scary we are here now but one day when we die everything from our perspective will be gone even time itself, this universe, literally everything. But if we are here now at this moment anything is possible maybe there is something else beyond this life.

@zxxz0m8iexxz35 - 05.08.2021 12:39

Existence is a funny word we made up to describe the opposite of nothing and vice-versa* 😂 but in all honesty if I were nothing like the void not the emo void but the VOID of nothing wouldn't I see existence as I do see the void since I exist now and haven't disappeared yet ? Would there be another me in a realistic nothing and call that my existence or by the time I use the the word existence it's no longer nothing bc I acknowledge it ?

@bensden50 - 31.08.2021 09:38

Great video

@WaveFunctionCollapsed - 24.09.2021 17:22

i think we should stop reproduction
this will end our challanges and god will stop all this

@bebeysmael1. - 13.10.2021 00:06


@krg9942 - 27.10.2021 03:06

I often walk around thinking "This is all so bizarre"

@rogerlin9602 - 30.10.2021 19:50

Who Am I? In a world if there were no I, the sun won't shine. Existence is all relationships and you are in the middle of it.
You didn't come into the world. You came out of it.
Thanks Alan. 👍😊💯✔🏅🌛⛵🦋

@shelbymclendon4009 - 24.11.2021 12:58

I remember when I was in Preschool I would do this thing where I’d stare off in space for a certain length of time and wonder about my existence as a human being. I’d sort of step back from the common knowledge of human existence and think how weird it was that I was able to think these kinds of thoughts. I was four/five years old thinking to myself about how somewhat cool human existence was. And here I am at nineteen years old thinking of this memory and how it shows the early signs of my deep and mature emotional core, which has made me the person I am today and hopefully the kind of philosopher I hope to be someday all because I started listening to Alan Watts’s lectures almost two years ago.

@hannahchristine2709 - 25.12.2021 05:48

I just searched " it's wierd to exist" because I'm going crazy about why I'm here and why I exist... It's so wierd and i feel so alone and crazy... And the more I think about it the more I want to die...

@_souldier - 06.01.2022 06:57

this Doesnt have to be a Depressing thing
but i like deep shit,
sometimes i Just think Life is so Stupid for the way it is, like Why did we invent Words in text when we Have a voice to talk , ( Captions in videos has no Meaning and its useless )
is This the Way it was Supposed to be? sitting in a Desk for 18 years and working for 30 years
One little paper called a dioploma or seomthing... just One paper is worth my whole entire self Worth.
if i were God it wouldnt be like this
id make Changes
or This isnt how im supposed to be Living, why did my mom even Choose to have me, in the End.
i am 15 years old,
i been Living with random People i known for decades years called my family
in a House thats not really mine
not really allowed to leave it but
the Media is making people Dumber
than they actuall are to blind them from the Truth(s) am i living for someone else
just Why is life the way it is, it could of been Differernt or is it? was is meant to be like this... i honestly think
this is some little simulation
i know what happens next
everything is staged the virus and all,
we are being watched at all times.
your phone is listening, God could is listening, if he existed, but someone always is, we now have face scanning survelience in our streets now,
every Sound around Me is a just distraction,
Just to fill the void, filler
maybe God is real but he pretends to be fake, you know
my Anti inner self or demons
trying to make me stupider

@LB-ty6ks - 07.03.2022 00:16

This is one of my favorites.

@elijiomoreno369 - 18.04.2022 09:14

“Existence is relationship and you are smack in the middle of it “

@freddythamesblack8479 - 15.05.2022 00:13

Every day is a good day....

@drseuss5407 - 21.05.2022 01:53

I would make a peaceful synthetic opioid euthanasia drink by the 10,000 Gallon vat for the 65 percent of the planet that has been wanting to go for a long time, I would have had that over the counter available everywhere you could

Guy saves 1M in state aid or insurance, here's 600k life insurance for his family he never had, a single person saves 1M plus what they paid into social security and you just doubled the world's resources. Create a job picking up grass where people save on property taxes for putting own mower clippings out on a set day M-S and now there's cattle es on fields with not enough grass might mean 4x cattle production

Ocean pipelines under the rivers
Don't put salt in water, put it on roads, salt water right into swimming pools, get a pet fish

Grass corn cube hybrids with oceanic root structures, California salt water yards
More fish farms etc
People could write off an office at home, their boss could pay them more, people don't clog roads driving in opposite directions to go into highrises in each other's towns, instead they smash it sprinkler systems for irrigation, indoor cattle ranches and farms

Too much to write about

@BGF18 - 21.05.2022 07:36

Existence is strange because it isn’t organic.

@drivewithbishop4426 - 28.05.2022 07:37

This thing I’m in is the weirdest, most chaotic and interesting experience.

@drivewithbishop4426 - 28.05.2022 07:38

I am more than the vessel I see in the mirror.

@deepaktripathi4417 - 31.05.2022 08:54

I look at people who are not much educated and think, do they also ask themselves what they are, why they are here,what this is all about? I believe they don't. They just keep doing things what they are supposed to do.

@Ultraninja24395 - 23.06.2022 12:09

What annoys me sometimes everything is a joke and it pisses me off at the same time I need to calm down

@nics0ul - 05.08.2022 04:46

for real pretty much every moment I’m like what even, how is this all really happening.. we’re spinning around a sun in an infinite galaxy. “Can’t believe how strange it is to be anything at all” - neutral milk hotel

@kwaderno - 12.08.2022 10:01

in 2020, i saw my hands were not mine. idk how it happened, but im looking at my hands and its not mine, it looks old and veiny and larger. I touched each hand and tried to get rid of it and shake it, after maybe 10 secons saw my real hands again. i honestly dont know what it is. im not tripping and not doing drugs. i was actually with my mother in the bedroom when it happened

@mravalik - 20.08.2022 07:01

I began to question the very essence of existence when I was a mid to late teen, because it was only then that I really started to question and try to understand the very nature of what is the 'happening' all around us.
Ya know, you go about your day and take notice that you yourself become so self aware that you are this human being inhabiting the place we call planet earth, and see those around you going about their own lives, while you sometimes forget that you are growing older yourself, you experience the people around you grow, change, mature, and age themselves, which is a feeling of awe, but then it isn't until you see your own reflection either in a mirror, a window, or anything of the sort, that you in that moment remember - I am as well aging, and growing as a human being alike all the others around me - .
Being self aware of yourself at the beginning is kind of a terrifying thing, until as you continue to age, you catch yourself in a moment of the essence of what it is to be, and my own moments maybe alike others, is standing under a canopy of trees and witnessing the wind blow through the tree tops causing the beautiful whooshing sound of the dancing leaves, and, its in those very moments I understand what it means to existence, and that is, just simply being.

@biffdorkinton555 - 04.02.2023 22:06

"Existence is relationship and you are smack in the middle of it."
Warm greetings to fellow travelers.

@chiefshepherd3420 - 20.07.2023 16:27

If the earth is flat and the bible is real imagine the mindFUCK!!!

@beyondallreason-du4pq - 24.07.2023 22:50

It really feels weird being alive....

@mobiustrip1400 - 14.08.2023 22:05

Three stages of existence:
1) Birth
3) Death

@neximus672 - 22.11.2023 14:03


@LyransDenofLight - 10.12.2023 09:55

I love my body but feeling my own heart beat freaks me the fuck out being alive is so weird I still love Everything and God though I hope I'm real somewhere

@waterofsouls7639 - 13.02.2024 05:14

i wish i was a squirrel

@Form1214 - 21.02.2024 04:40


@artzthareelz - 23.02.2024 22:04

This speaks to my soul and eternal consciousness. Love Alan Watts

@glensmillie5101 - 04.04.2024 14:19

I..........I must rebuild the relationship between myself and the other self.
What is the other self.
It is everything I am not.
What am I not.
I am not you.
Or this sunrise.
Nor that mountain.
Nothing that is anything is not me.
So what am I.
I am the builder.
Not the built.
Therefore I create.
And learn.
I am that which is not a thing.

@daryljohnson3945 - 28.04.2024 23:47


@designergirl272513 - 28.05.2024 21:38

My Guru Mooji talks about “nothingness” or “emptiness”, and what I find the most beautiful is that the same Truth is being expressed by consciousness through the form ‘Alan Watts, and the form ‘Mooji’
It’s the One differentiating itself in many forms. It’s all saying the same thing.
I love it.❤❤❤

@Will-nn3pb - 23.08.2024 20:21

I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but when i look at myself in the mirror. I feel like the person I see in the mirror.. isn't TRUELY me. It feels like a vessel. Like when you get into a car to get to a certain place. You control the car...but it doesn't make you the car. It's temporary for your journey.

@Oyhus - 17.09.2024 22:14

In some ways Alan Watts too was highly brainwashed. This video is among the best examples

@Bozzini237 - 07.10.2024 10:31

The world is too overwhelming when u think about such things the human mind cannot comprehend it much easier to dumb yourself down and conform to a simple life with no obtrusive thoughts
