Love your stuff you are truly amazing thank you 👩🎓
ОтветитьThank you so much for your hard work, and your time making these videos. Honestly, best content and very useful things you are talking about. Learnt so many things from you.
ОтветитьGreat video! Thank you!
ОтветитьWow.. great content as always! Helps me in my next exploration call with prospects.
ОтветитьAndrew, it's very clear you've put some serious thought behind this advice.
My problem was that I couldn't remember it all when practising mock interviews.
To be more precise, or in the case of the acronym below - imprecise, I tailored your advice slightly, to assist memory.
(I)mpact (top)
(M)arket (awareness)
(P)rocess (efficiency)
(R)evenue (generation)
(E)mployee (happiness)
(C)ustomer (happiness)
(I)ncrease (growth)
(S)aving (money)
(E)fficient (processes)
Thank you so much Andrew! I have been watching your videos and I got a better job this week! The interview skills you shared are super helpful. :)
ОтветитьAny tips for when it's hard to think of stories where one of these attributes exists?
ОтветитьI got the job / Senior level
Your videos and advice is absolutely amazing! Thank you thank you! Thanks for sharing all of these valuable lessons, they were truly a blessing.
To all of those people still on the search, take advantage of this! Its tough out there, lots of competition & you need to stand out.
Best of luck to all
Thank you Andy for the videos.Your videos really helped me in my job search.I updated my CV and used your suggested interview tips. 3 interviews within a month and got a job.Keep on with the good work.
ОтветитьAlways good stuff on your channel Andrew! Thx!😊
ОтветитьThank you! Again this was great! it is good to think about those questions even if you do not go to the job interview. Actually, thy can give you direction on what you can apply in your work life already daily!
ОтветитьI got one virtual interview. I need to record the answers with web-cam On for 3 minutes. The questions went like a- What do you do to keep yourself updated with technology ? b- What did you do innovatively in your previous project. The interview process was difficult and I could not understand which strategy to follow. Appreciate if you could make a video on the above questions.
Ответитьrecently found your videos. I really appreciate your help and sharing and encouragement!
ОтветитьThank you, having these 5 points in mind would be really helpful for any kind of interviews.
ОтветитьThis has been such, such helpful advice, I can’t tell you. The only thing I think might be missing is about teamwork; I suspect that may fall into its own category.
ОтветитьWhat about conflict? i think you also need an answer to "Tell me about a time you had conflict at work, and how did you resolve it?"
ОтветитьI want to add all of this videos and have a movie made and show in cineplex
ОтветитьFolks, I hope you enjoy this key video on the most critical areas employers look for!! Please enjoy it and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the channel so you don't miss new videos weekly and live office hours on Thursdays!