Geography Now! France

Geography Now! France

Geography Now

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@queerwizard - 12.10.2024 17:34

Fun that the can speak French! My only experience in France is changing flights in Charles de Gaulle airport.

Also, France has some interesting linguistic diversity.

@Bad1989Blood - 07.10.2024 03:15

Love France 🇫🇷 from Maroc 🇲🇦

@TimothéGodinat-e5h - 29.09.2024 22:02

France is literally Europe... but better

@bramvanbeurden731 - 28.09.2024 20:55

A bit late to the party, but Jacques Brel is Belgian :), and you forgot the local language Alsacien

@bramvanbeurden731 - 28.09.2024 20:54

A bit late to the party, but Jacques Brel is Belgian :), and you forgot the local language Alsacien

@fatimahanwaar306 - 28.09.2024 08:32

France is also known for making CGI animated TV shows for an older age demographic (like Miraculous Ladybug is the most well known example)

@bip5395 - 25.09.2024 22:59

Marie Curie was polish. Fully. She came and integrated into French society, but that’s it.

@Seika-Neo_S84 - 28.08.2024 15:25

I wish I was there to make this episode with him so I could help him pronounce the french words correctly lol

@mdcclxxvl5790 - 27.08.2024 17:10

J'aime la France depuis les États-Unis. J'aimerais que davantage de Français s'installent aux États-Unis et deviennent citoyens des États-Unis. S'il vous plaît, nous avons besoin de plus d'Européens aux États-Unis !

@mdcclxxvl5790 - 27.08.2024 17:10

Love france from the USA I wish more French people would move to the United States and become citizens of the United States Please we need more Europeans in the United States!

@Bigmonster-u7c - 16.08.2024 22:36

But I think Ukraine bigger country 🤔🤔🤔

@bangwilltv - 12.08.2024 11:43

I decided to go back to France episode after watching Opening of Paris Olympic 2024. France is/was one of the richest countries in Europe, so beautiful and cultured. And now, where did those cultures go?

@Napoleone567 - 26.07.2024 03:56

Stop this caricatural reference that is nothing but McDo Culture !!

That's to say easy and fast culture for no time waster consumer !

Culture is more than that ! Culture is not a product. Beware of chauvinism trap

@blbreptiles4126 - 14.07.2024 05:54

So so so so so many north africans

@geoffroyrosiers8702 - 03.06.2024 20:39

sorry to say that but Jacques Brel was Belgian, not French ...

@lorenaespeso2605 - 24.05.2024 02:43

north Macedonia is next??

@CreativeDavee - 22.05.2024 12:14

Je suis Nigerian🇳🇬, Je parle français et anglais. Je aime la france❤️

@leobertoalbano - 10.05.2024 10:04

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics Will Be Ready For The First Time Since 1924 This July 2024.

@youtubejosephwm6699 - 08.05.2024 22:28

Snails are not insects their gastropods

@pountne8 - 07.05.2024 16:07

What a talentfuul boy!!!! Come please to my classes only with this Rytm they can be careful and only with that massive of information!!! What a work! Chapeau LA!!!

@yahavi8211 - 21.04.2024 06:17

Thank you.

@ryansearle6157 - 10.04.2024 16:35

Although France holds such fascination to the Japanese, they are often disappointed when they actually visit. In fact there’s literally a form of depression called “Paris Syndrome” which results from visiting Paris and being kind of underwhelmed, most commonly in Japanese tourists.

@jaalbonieja3018 - 04.04.2024 22:41

It's Maria SKŁODOWSKA-Curie, she was Polish, from Poland and she mentioned it every time. Her husband Pierre was French.

@yolandagrabowski6043 - 02.04.2024 06:48

No wonder, my Irish neighbor gave me pizza on my birthday. It was delicious too.

@videzvosplacards5874 - 01.04.2024 16:42

BREL était BELGE !!

@aaronpandey - 29.03.2024 17:13

the money sent to the us never came back leading to the french revoution

@aaronpandey - 29.03.2024 17:09

jacquesbrel est untouchable

@Deutschshorts - 21.03.2024 14:18

“Now let’s talk about white people” - Paul 2017

@Dani2kGaming_GEIR - 12.03.2024 09:22

I Praise 🇫🇷, France is my favorite Latin-Gallic country and by the way we have common medditeranean climate

@juanescobar6782 - 09.03.2024 07:17

France is like the most african country in Europe. And ☪️ as well!

@Dani2kGaming_GEIR - 28.02.2024 19:35

love France-Faranse from Iran(Persia).we were allies against the UK and Russia between 1807-1809 🇮🇷🤝🇫🇷.Gloire à la France.

@Dani2kGaming_GEIR - 25.02.2024 22:42

Love France from Iran 🇮🇷🤝🇫🇷.

@yigitsergensahin977 - 23.02.2024 20:31

My favorite country in the whole world you guys are so lucky to have a country like that🇨🇵❤️

@domitiusafer - 23.02.2024 10:39

Very good well documented and exhaustive work on French geography.
Knowing that Metropolitan France thanks to its temperate climate has enjoyed throughout the centuries an efficient agriculture able to feed its population well and thus to the latter to better withstand epidemics, so that France was the most populous country in the western world until"in the early 19th century (more inhabitants than Russia) which explains why France alone was able to militarily defeat for a long time powerful coalitions of European states against it as under the reign of Louis XIV, the revolutionary wars then Napoleon until becoming the 1st power of the western world between the middle of the 17th century and that of the 18th century called "Grand Siècle". But from 1815, his youth bled by 23 years of incessant wars between 1792 and 1815 (45% of French military personnel were killed during this period), France entered a phase of demographic decline.France being a nourishing land this explains why the French emigrate little.But the weakness of France remains its multiple borders that France is forced to defend simultaneously because unlike the United Kingdom it is not naturally protected by the sea which constitutes an obstacle to invasions, So the British only need a powerful navy to protect them. The French border north and north is with large plains without natural obstacle facilitating land invasions a fortiori when the enemy is mechanized like the Germans with tanks in May-June 1940 . The French tried unsuccessfully to remedy this by building fortifications such as the iron belt by Vauban during the reign of Louis XIV or the Maginot line between 1920 and 1940; Thus, France has been invaded many times in history but has managed each time to turn the slope and regain its position among the world’s great powers. The French are certainly the most resilient people with the Poles whose country was wiped off the map several times and who nevertheless managed to revive as a state.
Thus the need to simultaneously defend several land borders and its maritime domain explains French politics and history.
-A very heavy fiscal policy of the State is also explained because of the need to maintain several armies and fortresses at each border as well as a navy (while the British only need their navy to protect them hence a historically lower taxation). This heavy fiscal policy of the French state seen as predatory will generate many tax revolts, some of which will lead to revolutions leading to regime changes.The revolution of 1789 is above all a tax revolt.
-The whole French international policy is explained by the concern of the French not to have to defend their borders simultaneously in case of conflict especially when since 1815 the decline of the French demography makes that France no longer has sufficient military personnel to fight on several fronts at the same time.
There are also some peculiarities in France such as the special status of Alsace-Moselle where apply since 1919 following the annexation of these regions to France after the 1st World War and the defeat of Germany which had annexed these regions after the Franco-GermanThe Prussian law of 1870-71, while certain French laws are not applied. Thus, in 1919 in Alsace-Moselle, the German social security which dates from 1887 will continue to apply when France will not acquire social security until 1945.From the law of 1905 establishing "laïcité" in France does not apply in Alsace-MoselleMoselle where the French Republic although officially a secular state continues to pay priests, rabbis and pastors what forbids on the rest of the French territory.Incidentally, the inhabitants of Alsace-Moselle also have two extra days off compared to other French people (on December 26 and Easter Friday, which are days worked in the rest of France).
France also has associated states such as the principality of Andorra in the Pyrenees and that of Monaco.Thus, the Prime Minister of the Principality of Monaco is appointed by France, whose officials are responsible for the administration of the Principality, while the President of the French Republic, at the time of his inauguration, receives the title of Prince of Andorra.France and Spain have the distinction of seeing their territory increase or decrease every six months. Indeed, the island of Pheasants located in the middle of the river Bidassoa constituting the border between France and Spain is alternately each Spanish year from 1 February to 31 July then becomes French from 1 August to 31 January since the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659 with as survival of this treaty that the French official in charge of the administration of the island when it under French sovereignty receives the title of "vice-roi" though royalty was abolished in France.There are also foreign territories in France such as the Val d'Aran located on the French side of the Pyrenees border between France and Spain but attached to Spain as well as the city of Livia in French Roussillon (current region of Occitanie in France) is a Spanish enclave since 1659, the Treaty of the Pyrenees concluded between France and Spain providing that the villages and villages of Cerdagne (part of Roussillon) are French, so Livia considered a city and not a village and a village remains Spanish.
Thus, given its vast maritime domain, France has its longest land border with Brazil (800 km) with French Guiana and its longest maritime border with Australia (more than 800km) with Adelie Land in the South Pole.

@GTDNH27478 - 18.02.2024 09:39

la géographie maintenant ! France

@alib1726 - 05.02.2024 02:50

So many wrongs. I dont eat raw food or ducks or horse… but i think i have the virus cause it made me angry

@zanthe1 - 04.02.2024 18:25

France we have so many. Tourists it's annoying
Meanwhile makta with an annual tourism of 6 times its population

@blastdamage - 01.02.2024 03:30

As a Québécois the best way I can explain our relationship with France is like that of a cat and its owner. French people are always gushing over us and we just think they're kind of annoying (and a little rude and pretentious), but we snuggle up to them whenever the anglophones start acting up again.

What French people say about us: Du coup ils sont sympa les Québécois! Ils sont si gentils! Ils sont mignons les Québécois! Trop marrant cet accent! On adore les Québécois!
What we say about them: Pas encore un osti de Français...

@Akuma532 - 31.01.2024 13:44

Jacques Brel is not French he's belgian :)

@jeanbalie8204 - 14.12.2023 18:00

Pathetic behavior of Parisians,wearing masks and respecting sanitary rules during pandemic,showing how brainwashed you must be to believe it's worth of it.

@thanos1201 - 13.12.2023 19:10

Love from Greece. I want to visit so many different cities in France!!!

@mtv3234 - 04.12.2023 11:55

I found the French to be quite pleasant to interact with when I visited.
