Our SHOCKING Impressions of Mostar  Bosnian Food FEAST (best things to see & do)

Our SHOCKING Impressions of Mostar Bosnian Food FEAST (best things to see & do)

Dabble and Travel

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@xandor007 - 06.08.2024 14:21

Country is called Bosnia & Hercegovina, not just Bosnia. Mostar is in Hercegovina, not Bosnia. 😊😊
Don't get me wrong, just educating you.
We, people from Hercegovina, don't like to be called Bosnians, we are proud Hercegovinians (Hercegovci) 😂😂
Again, no hate.
I'm happy you enjoyed Mostar and all our beauty. Welcome back. 😊😊😊

@BHRoadStoriesBH - 06.08.2024 17:24

Wonderful 👍 Mostar ❤️💪🇧🇦

@MichaelChenCC - 06.08.2024 18:48

I stayed in Mostar for a week, there was a Bruce Lee sculpture in a park. that bisto you guys have eaten yup I've also been there for a while. my fave vlog ever

@rajendramangurung4219 - 06.08.2024 22:08

Another great video, really enjoyed,

@vanzemaljac-110 - 06.08.2024 22:42

Great video guys, thank you for visiting my country, I really appriciate the way you showed mosque. May Allah protect you and keep you always with beautiful smiles that you have. Amin

@ziaulmannan9635 - 07.08.2024 02:03

Check out Plitvice near Zagreb

@bosanac9888 - 07.08.2024 11:14

Great T shirt 😁🇧🇦

@Eurodancer89 - 07.08.2024 14:08

thank you for promoting my country <3

@adembecirhodzic5213 - 07.08.2024 17:30

Great video !!..I live in city called Kakanj also Bosnia & Herzegovina ❤❤❤❤ thank you for wisiting our country

@Pomerian187 - 07.08.2024 18:09


@monikalasic6213 - 07.08.2024 20:13

krav not cow..but krava is cow..kravica would be 'little' cow

@The-wanderlust-kids - 07.08.2024 22:32

Great video, we visited Mostar just after you guys and used your instagram stories for tips! I was pleasantly surprised with Mostar especially the food! I was also surprised how slippery the bridge was! Tragically somebody I met in Thailand died jumping from this bridge back in 2010, so it is indeed very dangerous.

@avdicadi - 07.08.2024 22:54

I could definitly live in Mostar for the rest of my life 😁

@naceraidh700 - 08.08.2024 09:52

Guys really Your videos its Wonderfull !!!!
Keep working 👍🏻

@Watfordherts1971 - 08.08.2024 22:06

I’d forgotten to comment , what a stunning country and Mostar amazing, Bosnia has certainly opens our eyes , Thankyou again

@vehbijamujkic1696 - 09.08.2024 19:01

Go to Srebrenik.. Northeast of Bosnia and Herzegovina... you will enjoy for sure... :D

@S.Huskic - 09.08.2024 20:53

You should have bought a Begovic jersey, he played for Chelsea 😃

@Hani.Nasser - 10.08.2024 21:08

you are awesome guys sending hugs

@dariobojanic9213 - 11.08.2024 13:52

I am following your journey through Bosnia and Herzegovina and I must tell you that you have amazed me. I am Bosnian and I have lived in Sarajevo all my life. I watch and listen to you and really enjoy it. You are so positive and make everything you talk about seem magical. What I like most is how you enjoy our kitchen specialties. I will continue to follow you, not only through the Balkans but wherever you go. Big greetings from Sarajevo.

@srdjanvujicic2329 - 11.08.2024 21:50

I remember the old town before the war, people playing backgammon in the caffès, no tourists around, I remember the destroyed bridge and the improvised bridge after the war and the beautiful new bridge. I remember my first romantic moments under the bridge and my childhood. I remember all the shops and artists in the old town. I hate the place now! We sold the soul of our city to foreigners! However I hope you guys had a great time.

@sultanMEHMEDfatih - 12.08.2024 11:05

Great video again, but little correction. Buna isn't underground river, this is one of the shortest rivers in Bosnia, only 9 km. But Buna have ona of the most unique spring, that's the place where you've been. "Vrelo" is a word for spring. "Vrelo Bune" is the most unique spring where whole river came out from the rock.

Cheers, and enjoy Bosnia..

@rokiikor9270 - 14.08.2024 21:27

The Allmighty Bosniaks kebab, CEVAPI with Kaymak💪💪, Cant wait to go back again

@ihavenoidea25 - 16.08.2024 00:56

I was in Mostar 2 days ago, didnt expect vlogs to be posted round the same time, anyway, the weather was hot as hell, and saw a dude dive from the top

@zoranbogdan936 - 18.08.2024 21:17

CNN and BBC don't give you this side of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Fake news. Hello from Travnik

@AJ-si9qr - 21.08.2024 01:27

As a Bosnian from the UK you have done an amazing job promoting 🇧🇦. For Great food and view in Mostar there is a restaurant called Taste of Orient right by that Mosque where you went to with the Minaret. A little bit further out to North West Bosnia you have Water rafting and waterfalls by the river Una and in the place of Livno one of few places where you can see wild horses roaming. Keep up the good work.

@DEUSVULT822 - 21.08.2024 23:04

Mostar is in Hercegovina mate , have a good one

@mattbarbarich3295 - 24.08.2024 16:17

Mostar is not in Bosnia but in Hercegovina, thats why the country is called Bosnia and Herzegovina, thats why also Cardiff is not in England but Wales!
A little bit of reaserch before a trip is always sensible. Stay great.

@HazimaGradacac - 29.08.2024 00:53

The Neretva River got its name from old Celts, they called the river “Nera Etwa” which means the “Flowing Divinity”. This emerald is also the coldest rivers in the world, where even in summer the average water's temperature doesn't go higher than 7 degrees Celsius.

@templeholes - 30.08.2024 02:47

The rivers, the ocean of green, the waterfalls, the old, the new, the pain, the love, the heat, the ions in the air, the kindness, the pure nature that Europe has lost, the collision of religions church’s ringing and mosques calling to prayer, the freedom, the star filled sky’s, the affordability, I could go on. But you show it best.

@selmasejdic9433 - 01.09.2024 17:52

What you didn't mention is that the Neretva river, underneath the bridge, is the coldest river in the world, which is quite amazing, having the air temperatures there up to 45 degrees.

@Aca74 - 03.09.2024 18:38

Guys , awesome videos. If you ever return to Nish to refresh your memories on burek at Anton bakery, you should also go to lunch at restaurant Mrak. Best food ever !! Cheers!

@kenzighost7194 - 06.09.2024 18:09

They will let you jump but they take you to way smaller jumps to see if you can handle bigger ones before even getting close to the big boy.

@AnhHoang-tt1fk - 07.09.2024 23:24

I just wonder where u bought that Bosnian jersey

@LP11294 - 08.09.2024 23:20

Did blokes have to wear longer trousers to visit the mosque or were shorts ok?

@Janemarten0 - 23.09.2024 16:31

Lovely guys absolutely lovely.

@BeingMalkovichJohn - 01.10.2024 13:10

Just wondering where you find the "h" in Sarajevo, other then that great videos, greetings from Sarahevo😂

@K1K1_PL4YZ_DTI - 02.10.2024 23:05

You are all right. I live in sarajevo i know almost every thing in mostar

@mmturner - 15.10.2024 01:52

What was the place by the river?

@TreyMahir - 17.10.2024 14:18

Woow ❤

@camelogNjemacka - 22.10.2024 21:28

Mostar is not in Bosnia

@amirgroove6518 - 23.10.2024 03:30

its called Pocitelj

@ziaclipsegaming2835 - 24.11.2024 06:52

I'm going in April totally stoked!

@angelatanurdzic7508 - 05.01.2025 00:29

Mostar is beautiful ❤

@goransvraka3171 - 13.01.2025 07:09

Still cant pronounce Sarajevo


SA - RA - YE - VO!!!

@marijoprofabosnjakmatic1275 - 14.01.2025 14:31

Nice video. I from town Vitez in Bosnia and Herzegovina

@rangojack - 18.01.2025 11:58

Mostar is the main city of Herzegowina

@ortizroided7587 - 19.01.2025 11:31

from sarahevo to mohstah

@TheLeyaKa - 18.02.2025 19:35

“Peace Bell Tower” made me laugh. Have you ever done any background check on this? :)

@eratravelbosna - 21.02.2025 15:41

Great video
