Am I the One - Royalty-Free Background Music | Cinematic

Am I the One - Royalty-Free Background Music | Cinematic

70 Просмотров

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Beautiful masterpiece with dynamic, complex percussion and touching violin solo plus a proud, strong tuba, brass-trumpet moment with strong strings sequences mask it a great production film production music. Purchase Royalty Free License for $25 and Use it Forever!

#Cinematic #BackgroundMusic #RoyaltyFreeMusic

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In accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution license, see the list of used footage and the corresponding YouTube channels. The video(s) used:
The corresponding YouTube channel(s): OnlyProVideos


#30_sec_music #30_seconds_background_music #Cinematic_background_music #Cinematic_royalty_free_music #action #adventure #anticipating #background_music_30_seconds #car #car_commercial_songs_2020 #climbing #clouds #cool #countdown_background_music #creative #crossing #determined #dynamic #elepha #elevator_music_genre #energetic #escape #explosive #extreme #leaving #playful #punch_beat_background_music #royalty_free_music_for_twitch #running #songs_used_in_apple_commercials #sports #suspense #tension
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