The Unathletic NFL Star Who Destroyed Everyone

The Unathletic NFL Star Who Destroyed Everyone


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@RollingStoned000 - 10.03.2025 03:43

Brady helped my father once many years ago. My father was a train engineer for CSX and he got caught in a horrible New England blizzard . Brady stepped on to the train and paralleled parked his 130 car train to safety. . My dad said Brady never had to go back and forth once and did it on the first try.

@boardtodeath46 - 09.03.2025 09:22

I’m surprised someone who knows so little about sports could still call Tom Brady unathletic.

@AlwaysHalloween000 - 09.03.2025 07:58

Tom Brady threw to 98 different receivers for Touchdowns in his career and If you only count yards gained on passes that went for TDs, Tom Brady has accumulated 12,270 yards - That is an insane statistic - for context that's like over 3 - 4000 yard passing seasons alone all for just touchdowns 738 touchdown passes

@edwardblomquist786 - 08.03.2025 00:18

If anything he held back the dude is only close to the NBA bc of his dad. Who averaged 4 pts in college and averaged 14 pts and a couple rb and assists in 30 min in Sr year of HIGHSCHOOL

@vonmang3524 - 07.03.2025 19:51

Biggest cheater in the history of sports.
If you let any QB cheat for the first 10 years of his career, behind the best offensive line, the time working would make anyone a lot better...

@joshuawildermuth4254 - 07.03.2025 12:34

To bad you didn't beat Eli Manning at all so your not better than my qb or my team lmfaoooo

@jenny-bw1jh - 04.03.2025 17:25

Twenty years of unbelievable QB play and an unreal run!

@TheEmaonedunn - 04.03.2025 14:15

Dude said Tom Brady was born 1997 instead of 1977

@LouisBilodeau-p7e - 03.03.2025 09:09

They said the same shit about larry bird.

@shaunsnyman5107 - 02.03.2025 11:32

He is not a goat he is human, wtf

@ValkPlaysz - 01.03.2025 18:02

Anyone watching this in 2025?

@tazabe - 01.03.2025 06:09

As a lifelong Seahawk fan since the beginning, I'm a huge Tom Brady fan. My most hated moment was the Superbowl goal line interception in a room full of Patriot fans and watching Brady jump around squeal like a girl.

@Cosmic-jn9sc - 28.02.2025 08:52

brady is amazing becuz he keeps kermit the frog in the playoffs

@Franztastic - 27.02.2025 17:35

Your stat are off he threw for 5,235 in 2011 🤦🏼‍♂️

@Proj.A.Z - 26.02.2025 23:21

I hate to say it but as a Giants fan…I hated Brady all his career until I started doing research on him: he wasn’t a natural talent…

He was a hardworking player who made a real effort to become better…

I use to be an Eli Manning Fan…

Nowadays Brady and Mahomes are now my favorite QB along with Josh Allen from the Bill.

@NathanialLebrun - 26.02.2025 19:23

Hate us cause you ain't us, Brady is the greatest player to ever touch the field, he didn't cheat, he won out of pure skill and destroyed all of you, yall simply have a skill issue

@tahzib1451 - 26.02.2025 08:02

rooting for Brock Purdy to have somewhat similar career

@petis1976 - 25.02.2025 16:36

Carr wasn't trying to replace him, the boosters wanted Henson, the fans wanted Henson until he screwed up starts and Brady had to bring the Maize and Blue back. I'm a diehard Michigan fan and Brady's age so I remember the bullshit well. Henson has an NFL legacy two... the QB of the hopeless 0-16 Detroit Lions.

@RalAbreu - 23.02.2025 02:34

Brady was like Dracula and I was his Renfield. 😮

@JdiJoey - 22.02.2025 06:20

unathletic geniuses have taken over most sports, i feel like it needs to be studied. brady, jokic, luka and far more (they are all athletic clearly just not to standards) and yet they dominate wherever they go

@mikeburkley84 - 22.02.2025 01:12

My most hated Tom Brady moment is when he didn't win in the 2007 perfect season SUPERBOWL 🏆 omg I literally almost cried being a Patriots fan since 1993 at 9 years old because I loved there new uniforms & I was from that point a Patriots fan for life, that was & still is my team. I'm from Tampa, FL & lived my whole life here only been out of the state once but I do root for the Bucs to win unless they play the Patriots but I'm glad that when Tom left the Patriots he went to Tampa even though it broke my heart to see him leave my Patriots but I guess that would be the one team I'd be somewhat ok with him being with & then he won another SUPERBOWL. Tom Brady is the best quarterback ever!! The G.O.A.T

@austingaskins7506 - 21.02.2025 22:15

As a Steelers fan i always hated Brady and the Patriots.

@zachschendt7201 - 21.02.2025 05:32

Nobody wanted him twice. Once forthe draft and then his free agency. So glad he came to tampa bay 🥳🥳

@jasonfreitas6845 - 21.02.2025 03:38

The colts did the investigation not the league.
Also Pete called a run play. Rus checked to a pass because of the coverage

@energytide - 20.02.2025 00:38

Lol this guy doesn’t like Tom Brady

@abeidbalih2583 - 19.02.2025 12:06

They hate you when your successful

@JJ-nh8lv - 18.02.2025 17:47

I've never been a Pats fan. Especially Belicheck (spelling) I have nothing for his cheating and bad ethics, but he saw something in Brady. Can't fault him for that.

@bbwng54 - 17.02.2025 01:24

Title of this video sounds like describing Larry Bird- a man who was slow, couldn't jump, but had a great mind for the game, smart, will to win,and who became one of the greatest players in NBA history.

@nathanielmartin8235 - 16.02.2025 21:42

Also the biggest cheater and got to keep his titles. Should have them removed

@stellarhyme3 - 16.02.2025 15:56

Dude said Tom Brady was born in 1997. Starts video off by giving bad information.

@illamerica - 16.02.2025 05:55

Y’all I know this might sound crazy but I believe that Tom Brady ex-wife is a witch a was using her powers to help him 😭 I know it sounds silly but it’s just a little theory

@T-yz03 - 16.02.2025 02:48

Tom Brady is like the Nikola Jokic of basketball

@allanwiener230 - 15.02.2025 20:20

Did I ever hate Brady. I loved everything he did and accomplished. Success only comes with DRIVE and losers hate winners. Love you Brady even though you bailed from NE.

@reeselowe1984 - 15.02.2025 16:13

The thing I hated was he kept beating my steelers😂

@lorgariiix - 15.02.2025 06:26

And Bundchen tried to rob him blind.....

@adamsaville3318 - 15.02.2025 05:14

OVER THE NEXT FOUR GAMES - 4-1 The math aint adding up lol

@EasyGoer-e3z - 15.02.2025 05:12

Tom Wons RINGS During Every Era Including The "Running QB" Era...Tom Was a Pure Pocket QB MASTER...The ULTIMATE Winner and Leader

@NK-wy8wp - 15.02.2025 04:55

From the most hated to most celebrated. I’m a colts fan, used to hate Tom with a passion, now I respect his greatness. He’s the GOAT

@Mitcham_man - 15.02.2025 03:38

Me as a bengals fan in my opinion Patrick mahoames is the most hated

@indianasunsets5738 - 15.02.2025 02:46

Tom Brady was the product of a very efficient system. The Pats had top 10 defenses in all their SB years except 2011 (they were rated 15 in total team defense which is still in the top half of the NFL) and his one SB with the Bucs they were #8. Brady was without a doubt a great QB but he didn't do it alone. He had to have a consistently great system to direct him and call plays for him because he certainly wasn't trusted to call his own plays. When Brady had to adjust to a new team, he couldn't even remember what down it was. 🤷

@joewill9107 - 15.02.2025 00:09

Sad, but we will probably miss out on a quiet few bradys for the sake of dei

@Tastingo117 - 14.02.2025 14:28

As someone who has only recently discovered the world of American Football, I don't understand how people can hate on the only name I have heard repeatedly outside of that world. Brady is what Ali was for boxing, Jordan was for Basketball and Faker is for League of Legends. Their names are an entire franchise.

@treoui8739 - 14.02.2025 13:25

I know nothing about american football, but this "spygate" doesn't really seem like cheating to me... Can someone explain to me how video analysis are unfair?
Again, i really don't know anything about the sport besides basic rules.

@TheDoorman55 - 14.02.2025 10:41

The NFL's first 100 years produced Tom Brady. It will spend the rest of it's existence chasing him.

@benjo5060 - 14.02.2025 07:07

I dont watch NFL, is this accurate?

@princesativa8191 - 14.02.2025 06:09


@KasFromMD - 14.02.2025 00:06

We in New England knew Tom Brady was the best quarterback we ever had after game 7. In every single game, he got better in the 4th quarter. It only took the rest of the country to realize it 21 years later.

@saljewsteinbergowitz - 13.02.2025 18:01

7 superbowl championships... WHITE excellence

@jkschnik6952 - 13.02.2025 06:15

No no no do not put the Super Bowl in Green Bay or Foxboro
