00:00 Introduction
00:55 What if you had a windfall?
02:04 What about your frugality and children?
04:04 Do you feel you're behind?
06:02 Do you feel guilty spending?
08:22 What would you do if you were starting out in 2025
12:09 How do you stop yourself falling off the wagon?
14:12 How do you keep a budget when visiting family and friends?
16:28 How do you keep disciplined day to day?
19:26 Do you think you have deprived yourself by being frugal?
22:56 More questions and Answers and goodbye.
23:40 Dolly and Mary
Frugal Queen in France
We are a British couple living in Brittany on a budget.
Frugal recipes, days out, home renovations and day to day making do in France.
We’ll give you hints, tips, advice and an insight into our life in France.