45-Minute Walking Workout for INCREASED Strength & Stability!

45-Minute Walking Workout for INCREASED Strength & Stability!

Alyssa Kuhn, Arthritis Adventure

7 месяцев назад

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@cashayahya - 20.02.2025 15:25

Can you show knee pain exercises please

@pathayes7528 - 19.02.2025 19:30

So glad I found you ! Will include this in my workouts!

@carolechavez2238 - 17.02.2025 04:08

Alyssa K is not only sweet and caring, but her knowledge and PT instruction are life changing. Thank you, AK.

@darlongoldsby1576 - 29.01.2025 07:16

Are these exercises good for groin pain

@susansatchwell8482 - 11.01.2025 14:23

Thanks good snow day workout. I am post cardiac surgery and was not allowed to do much arm work especially overhead so this is good routine to get me back to swimming. Never had flabby arms before. I am 76.

@khawajanaeem6511 - 04.01.2025 06:25

Amazing Alyssa,,doing a Good Job,,, very effective and useful exercise,,,how we can do this exercise with uric acid ,i feel difficulty for walk and exercise due to swelling my feet ,, plz tell me some suggestions,,

@sof_arj - 28.12.2024 03:42

Hi I've been following your stretching for a week now and I reaĺly appreciate it. It's been more than 2 months that I am doing PT sessions and still expwriencing siffness can you advice me if this strwtxhing is gpod enough for my meeds thank you God bless

@NN-of6vl - 26.12.2024 20:16


@geethaviswanathan94 - 26.11.2024 14:15

Thank you so much for making the exercises seem both enjoyable and simple.I look forward to doing this everyday.Regular workout is showing remarkable improvement in knee pain and weight loss.

@krishnamurarirai1577 - 21.11.2024 07:12

Hi ,can yôu please.ake a video ba😢sé on t😢he time yôu open your eyes warm ups to. Getting out of bed to star excercise to walking thank you

@barbaramcglynn3660 - 11.11.2024 01:55

This was a great workout! Thanks so much. I have arthritis only in my feet and am wondering if you could incorporate some suggested modifications or exercises for those of us with osteoarthritis in the feet.

@Delfin_Azul - 03.11.2024 19:29

Thank you for this. Im going to save this for those winter days that I can't get to the gym. 😊

@vijayalakshmivijayakumar1983 - 02.11.2024 07:58

Verynice. Thankyou .

@dinaaperazzo5699 - 01.11.2024 23:39

Thank you ♥️

@graceg133 - 31.10.2024 00:02

You’re amazing! Thank you for the workout! Phew I’m exhausted

@gladysgurr2035 - 23.10.2024 23:47

Love your routine and grandma in law. I have been working out with for the last two weeks, as well as other routine so I am getting the best off different workouts.

Just wondering have you ever heard of Drop-attack this happens to me. I may fall and then every thing is ok for a while. My last fall has left me frighting of going out walking which is something I like doing, as my knees are very sore after it. If you have any suggestions as to what to do I be great-full. I am working on my balance for over a year.

@suzipetito6955 - 02.10.2024 21:00

WOW!!!!! Love this - the idea of these moves with you and your grandmother in law................makes it feel like a class.

@peterzeisl2611 - 02.10.2024 14:19

Cool ❤😊

@karencollins9460 - 24.09.2024 16:28

I have been doing this video 3x a week for 3 weeks. A couple hours after i start to notice stiffness and discomfort in my hips and legs. B end of day very uncomfortable. Realistically how long before this subsides?

@lomarinvestlomarinvest1920 - 16.09.2024 21:59

Kedves Alyssa. Tudom tornazni coaxarthrozissal III mindket csipoben?

@terihoward2330 - 14.09.2024 18:23

OA of hips. Made it through! Challenging on one leg in particular. Can see the possibility of building walking endurance. Easy on joints after pushing them on vacation. Thank you.

@patoconnor1191 - 09.09.2024 19:18

Great - granma can't believe it post knee ops - God bless you both

@judysharpe3283 - 09.09.2024 18:23

Thanks Alyssa. You and grandma-in-law are so inspiring. This morning I walked with you for 45 minutes and hit all the spots where I need to strengthen. I’ve worked with you on other videos but I really like the 45 minute walking. Will try again.😊

@heatherduvall4205 - 07.09.2024 19:30

So good! I just got diagnosed with arthritis in both my knees. I was able to do all of that with some light weights added! Grandma is adorable!

@NN-of6vl - 05.09.2024 18:01


@brianajones596 - 22.08.2024 04:59

Great exercises weren't able to do the complete workout. Not able to move my right foot up and down. Any suggestions are welcome.

@veganbonnie - 22.08.2024 02:35

Awesome program!!!!

@achyutraoborkar8805 - 19.08.2024 16:41

I had spine surgery 8 months before,,
I started doing these exercises now,,
Helping me ,great.

@snehasagi5139 - 18.08.2024 15:18

I'm 23 and I have knee and elbow pain. I want to increase my strength but these excercises are not challenging for me. What should I do?

@brianajones596 - 16.08.2024 05:52

Hi not able to do the complete workout due to dorsiflexion of my right foot. Any suggestions

@dis2art - 14.08.2024 13:56

Your grand-mother in law is. amazing. She is my hero.

@marybennett8657 - 14.08.2024 12:21

You guys did a great job

@flowermedicineintamil6418 - 10.08.2024 06:44

❤❤❤ thank you

@NN-of6vl - 09.08.2024 02:40

Thank you

@patlawrenson9579 - 08.08.2024 17:28

thank you for this exercise programme Alyssa it was brilliant! ❤

@patriciacermak2370 - 05.08.2024 16:18

I have been doing your workouts for 2 weeks now and you are simply amazing!!! I have been trying to take it to different levels as my body is sore, needs balance and I want you to know you are making a wonderful difference in my health and life. Thank you so much for caring to do this., ❤

@leegray8736 - 03.08.2024 22:57

I am a disabled veteran with a recent toe amputation been using your videos to work on balance and find you very upbeat and motivating and your mother in law totally motivating

@susieday1127 - 03.08.2024 15:26

Thank you for a great workout. Your grandma is amazing!

@4nbop80user - 02.08.2024 23:04

Grandma’s condition has visibly improved since your previous video with her. Kudos o both of you ! Just did the other one and starting this one as of tomorrow. Grateful !

@marynadononeill - 01.08.2024 22:20

Wow your Grandma!

@amalkhalil7985 - 01.08.2024 13:21

❤❤❤❤❤Very beautiful ❤❤

@dongphuongnguyen672 - 01.08.2024 08:47


@debraschneider8746 - 29.07.2024 19:43

Thank you Alyssa for these great workouts. We have been on holidays at a cottage for the past week and I have done one and sometimes two of your exercise videos each day. I feel myself getting stronger, trimmer, more balanced. Notice the biggest challenge to my balance is standing in balance pose and turning my head... which makes perfect sense. Something to focus on! I am able to squat lower without pain in my knees already. Saving up for Arthritis Adventure membership! 👋

@ChittarupaYoga - 27.07.2024 16:00

Lovely workout partner. It's great that you got her to do this with you. 🙂

@anoushsharifi5198 - 25.07.2024 09:28

Thanks, I felt good on this
4th day

@NN-of6vl - 24.07.2024 19:30

Thank you again!

@claudia7653 - 24.07.2024 15:14

After 3 months with no strength and muscle stiffness these exercises helped me so much, I can walk better and more than 10 minutes, thank you so much, it means everything to me❤

@agnesmatolcsi2730 - 24.07.2024 09:47

Thank you Alyssa❤

@ivm7322 - 23.07.2024 15:59

I’m sharing to all my friends that speak Spanish, we follow you with closed captions in Spanish. Great!!! 🙏 ❤

@rehanajalill2643 - 23.07.2024 10:24

Grandma looks young fit for age ❤amazingly lovely 😍
