Why NO ONE Plays: Dehya | Genshin Impact

Why NO ONE Plays: Dehya | Genshin Impact

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@chielixir - 02.04.2024 20:03

11K VIEWS, 1 DAY AGO, 1110 LIKES???? THIS IS CRAZYYYYYY the universe is fr sending me this video!
I have actually been working on finally decentering men and romance in my life and entering my 'bad b' era, so this vid really helps and i relate to her situation alot!

@CookieSlayerThirdJunior - 14.04.2024 13:32

I love watching videos like this while maining a c2 dehya (i wont lie. shes bad. yes even with furina shes still not as good. )

@radiatingsunray - 18.04.2024 11:06

design and personality wise shes the best sumeru character. i would have mained her if mihoyo didnt make her unplayable

@MrLegendaryXP - 21.04.2024 19:00

I want to marry her!!! 😍 ❤

@kaizermorde69 - 21.04.2024 20:04

У львиц обычно не бывает гривы😂

@Take_it_E-z - 26.04.2024 05:13

Dehya isn't so bad if you build her with the team: Kokomi, Bennett, and Venti - with the best artifacts. She actually deals a massive amount of consequentail aftermath reactions inside of venti's Vortex over Kokomi's Squid, plus bennett's burst, wolf's gravestone- and only at C1. A water Vortext with Pyro getting applied gives just enough time for her to take damage, deal devastating amounts to enemies in a Vaporizing Whirlpool mid-air. No shield required. She never dies with Bennett + Kokomi's healing being broken af. Otherwise, she sucks with any other usage in the team. Would reccomend Diluc, Yanfei, and Xianging over her any day- unless you want to drive the enemies back- she's a bit more advanced with the angles of her hits.

@natechods - 26.04.2024 19:30

Watching this after I lost to my 50/50 to her 😢

@Yuma_89 - 30.05.2024 14:49

I fvckin hate Hoyo for doing this.

@redstone_convoy - 30.05.2024 17:20

This goes for all "why no one plays" characters, they may have failed but atleast their not a total failure

@thewritevibe - 03.06.2024 09:07

Im here... coz i lost Scara to her 😖

@fernandojoseraquel9150 - 08.06.2024 13:37

In terms of unkillable Dehya or Noel ?

@multibrandan - 10.06.2024 01:07

Even tho some people have their ins and outs with Dehya I still pretty much enjoy her. Shes a lot of fun. Not to mention that when you have her sixth constellation she’s practically invisible in Dragonspine. lol I’m still a C0 with her.

@error_4499 - 13.06.2024 13:57

Brooo I got her today I was so happy because she is my first ever 5 star hero and you guys are telling me she is the worst😢😢

@exia7684 - 15.06.2024 19:25

Lost the 50/50 for Clorinde today (fuck). She's my first 5* too.. guess I'll just let her rot. She looks like just a waste of resources. Man I'd love to get Diluc from the same banner, at least he looks cool and I like his design. I'll just stick with Beidou for now, at least my combo of Bennett, Beidou, Kaeya, and Xiangling as DPS works wonders.

@aarkwrite7240 - 29.06.2024 22:18

I recently got Dehya upon losing my Clorinde 50/50 as her banner was ending. Currently playing Dehya in my Friendship team until we become besties with Sethos and thereafter retiring her forever 😂

@Stunfill - 06.07.2024 00:12

Me liking her:😢

@NpJp-j4x - 06.07.2024 17:17

My first 5 star is dehya😂

@northumbriabushcraft1208 - 16.07.2024 00:46

I got her on her limited banner and was buzzing 😂 she's not awful as most people think but she's not a world beater either. She is like a 4.2*

@azurerandomness - 20.07.2024 05:18

she's one of my favorite Sumeru characters when it comes to her personality and her writing

it is very upsetting to lose my 50/50 to her and think "this is worse than getting qiqi" bc of that.. I wish I can lose my 50/50 to her and be happy that at least it's dehya

@Barbara_main - 24.07.2024 21:19

I wish they would do character reworks 😢 like if the players are unhappy they change the inner workings of the character

@AuraLegend-up8tp - 26.07.2024 00:37

If youre watching this in 2024 youre probably thinking Furina right about now...
Furina legit gave her a huge buff, but it truly doesnt help. The fact she was my first ever five star ever is kinda dissapointing, so as a new player I had to try my best to find a way to help her out, but when your noelle des more dmg its hard...

@Qwerty-ns9yk - 27.07.2024 13:01

Mualani on her way to turn out worse than dehya

@boiledliddo - 04.08.2024 12:55

now have C1 Dehya. Once from losing in Koko banner, I think it was last year. And another one from losing on Navia banner this year.

@shutdahellup69420 - 05.08.2024 14:04

I will never forgive mihoyo for absolutely butchering this character.

@drunkoctopuswantstoplay7029 - 06.08.2024 20:22

Nö That's a lie i play Deyha and i love her
She is the strongest Pyro Charakter of all
And her Ultimate attack has such a fast cooldown so you can Spam easily the attack and can make Damage over 500.000P

@juanmiguel3301 - 10.08.2024 23:19

Coping that she will become good with Kinich

@Willow564 - 01.09.2024 19:03

She’s like a garbage Fu Xuan, but fire

@vinnie2356 - 04.09.2024 21:11

Seems she might have some use nowadays as a pyro applier for Mualani

@saulalexander5873 - 13.09.2024 23:57

i choose her as my free 5*... i honestly dont care that much but it feels overwelming knowing that of all the characters i could choose i choose the worst

@MagicMorton52 - 18.09.2024 04:57

She’s actually not that bad these days, interruption res and dmg mitigation+ pyro app to proc tenacity is pretty solid- great with neuvi and lyney

@lordish-wp2xc - 22.09.2024 19:30

so he has opera gx since 3 years and yet it either doesn't exist , is banned from most countries in the world or not functioning.

@RoryRose_ - 01.10.2024 01:11

i wish she was either bennett 2 or pyro raiden
too bad :(

@heavyweaponsweapons2038 - 04.10.2024 18:58

dehya tanks EVERYTHING WITHOUT A HEALER she just doesnt dish out too much dmg to compensate

@fae_gavan7582 - 11.10.2024 09:55

Nowadays, my main gripe with Dehya is that she doesn't do much other than just tank.

For example, (HSR) Fu Xuan can heal the party and boost crit rate.

Kakania (Reverse 1999) can deal damage that bypasses resistances, scaling off how much damage she takes...

Seems like Dehya walked so Fu Xuan and Kakania could run.

@keikeikeis - 12.10.2024 07:08

Dehya is one of my favourite characters to play. this video is a year old and needs an update. She really does do something unique especially with kinich. Her own personal dmg is nth to write home about by my lord. what an enabler for kinich, yelan. and honestly, her burgeon dmg is pretty wild.

I run her triple EM tenecity with chain saw. Tanker, buffer, burgeon, interruption resist and off-field pyro applicator. She's the "useless" character that's perfect in exactly what she does

@mixaliszaxarioudakis6705 - 13.10.2024 16:41

I play with Dehya who's got a problem with that and I made her really powerfull sub/DPS !!!😡😡😡

@genshikenguy - 14.10.2024 13:59

1 hit kills from what feels like half the enemies in the game is why dehya exists.. thats just the regular trash mobs! the shields stopping 1 hit is kinda sucky and useless too so you end up just running around pickup up crystallize geo reaction shards to get a bunch of different coloured bubbles hoping ONE of them is more resistant and not going to elementally react to incoming damage or be weak to that type and pray you get a lot of geo shields and use that "150% dmg when shielded artifact set". So dehya maybe exists in hopes of chlorine not dying in one hit from a gentle breeze or a fungii thing. Dehya being a TANK and survival mechanism her damage is of course weak she could totally swing blind and have like 0 accuracy and miss and not hit anything and likely be worth it just to soak damage so you dont die in 1 hit! then if you played a pyro such as yanfei you cant charge an attack or fire them off because one of many electro archer hilichurls does overloaded explosion on your butt by firing electro at your pyro girl, even if it only takes 1/4 of your HP or less from the elemental reaction mostly you get such massive knock back and flying air borne that the enemy NPC rush in to air combo juggle you till you die and thats just some random NPCs. So in her defense she's like darkness from konosuba! she charges at the enemy all blazing throwing fists like "hey here i am come hit me!". However i secretly hoped she'd have a super passive like raidens half off cost of level up weapon type. much disappoint. i cant tell you how easy it is to join a random domain to farm talent books you can effortlessly clear single or multiplayer and be super casual about it or have a terrible team and do it all yourself and mess up and get hit a single time or comboed and air juggled to death so still counts as the one hit. Most enemies use an attack combo you cannot evade ever they time your dash with their combo and chase/follow you so you gotta dash past to behind at the RIGHT MOMENT but theres usually more than one and they army navy seal team tactics like they got formations and mics and earpiece hand signs like "he dodged left! -fire at where he'll be next." or the sword swings down then like instant back up and you dodge but the tip reached you then you're paralyzed with "ouch" so they rip like 3 attacks when 1.5 swords swings kills u from like a purple samurai MINION the mid tier boss guys can 1 hit you with half their moveset and their individual hits maybe 1/2 but you cant escape the combos not to mention water or fire or electro it buzzes the whole ground or sets the grass on fire and whole mountain side catches your character on fire and then you cant attack because burn/electro whatever damage staggers you for a second and they race to rip you to pieces. I only play as the women and some enemy attacks baseball bat me out of the park as they're lighter weight than the men and i fly off the cliffs to my death if its anywhere high up they knock you right off the edge! and if you try beat down on the enemy for say a leyline on a cliff like half of natlan they mysteriously evade all your attacks right off the edge down a ledge or two till you dropped like 3 tiers of plateaus and even fighting below ground level further then youre too high and they're too low and their attacks reach you but yours dont reach them or the other way around!.

@kikitokN15 - 19.10.2024 14:38

Dehya deserve to beat the shit living day out of hoyoverse

@greekpestnyc - 25.10.2024 22:19


@valimpacted - 05.11.2024 04:54

I think the more HP dehya absorbs, the more damage her burst would do. This would make going in and doing a whole burst would actually be worth it

@Avitaly - 22.11.2024 21:16

Watching this as a deyha user 🤔

@sulzous - 16.12.2024 04:58

me being a Dehya main

@KJ-4life5 - 07.01.2025 02:28

im kinda new but.... uhhh dehya can do the job. her skill can take out beinge quickly and her ult is very good
in my opinion

@thelonesurvivor3955 - 07.01.2025 11:27

Why does hoyo swear off of buffing or tweaking characters and weapons?

So stupid,they really still need to change vortex vanquisher too.

Zhongli got so many buffs and tweaks,then they trolled us by refusing to tweak his weapon.

@knmyDrgh-w5p - 11.01.2025 14:29

she got 5% pick rate in abyss

@Superluigi881 - 15.01.2025 15:54

Makes new 5 star purposefully bad, adds her into the standard pool to make it even more bloated

Genshin devs I swear to god-

@velaethia6 - 24.02.2025 14:09

Despite her being bad, arguably one of the worst characters in the game. I STILL PLAYED HER. I still play her. I love her. She's one of my fav characters. I found uses for her. Mostly as an E bot for lazy pyro application so I didn't need 300%+ energy recharge xianglang or dealing with thoma. No ults. Just hit e and forget. Of course most of the teams I used her ins he's now been replaced by Mavuika as they finally got us another off field pryo applicator with a simple e tap. But I still love her and always will. She's currently c3 and if I get her to c6 might try her as main dps. But honestly even at c6 I think she's a little weaker then c0 hu tao and hu tao herself has been pyro crept by two pyro units.
