BEST SAVINGS ACCOUNT CANADA 2022! - Neo Financial Money Account is the Best Bank Account Canada 2022

BEST SAVINGS ACCOUNT CANADA 2022! - Neo Financial Money Account is the Best Bank Account Canada 2022

Shervin House

2 года назад

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@AJ-eg6bv - 06.04.2022 04:41

Great video 👍

@MrCptSilva - 06.04.2022 14:20

Not sure I might of missed it. But what are the interest rates for EQ and Neo. On the savings account?

@vladislaviscenco3495 - 07.04.2022 04:33

Thanks for the effort! Your channel definitely deserves more subscribers!

@ShervinHouse - 22.04.2022 00:27

* Update (June 22nd, 2022): Neo Financial have increased the interest rate of the Momey Account to 1.80%

* Update (June 13th, 2022): Neo Financial have increased the interest rate of the Money Account to 1.60%

* Update (April 22nd, 2022): Neo Financial have increased the interest rate of the Money Account to 1.45%

@Honeybatger - 18.06.2022 06:54

Can I use it for direct deposit for my work paychecks?

@oaksmadoaks - 18.08.2022 21:03

Every video I look up has different interest rates info. I guess they are changing it constantly. I opened account today it is 2.25% :)

@jamilsattar9750 - 15.09.2022 16:55

Can i open joint account in neo financial?

@bmalhotra26 - 19.01.2023 00:59

As of today, Neo Financial Money account does let you set up direct deposits and unlimited etransfers into the account - which is absolutely awesome!
EQ bank now has a bank card that you can use linked to the savings account and you can earn 0.5% cashback - Ill be getting both!!

@robber3451 - 30.05.2023 08:00

whatg are you tallking about???? 1.2%

@DmitiryPopyoutopov - 18.04.2024 04:33

It's 2.25% now in April 2024

@YoursTruly44 - 27.06.2024 19:35

They’re not a member lol

@djonbreak - 19.10.2022 03:17

EQ just went up to 2.5% intrest yesterday!
