Quick Tip: Removing wind noise from video footage in Adobe Audition

Quick Tip: Removing wind noise from video footage in Adobe Audition

Craig White

9 лет назад

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@CraigWhiteIllustration - 26.11.2015 04:01

This is the revised edit to my video: "Quick Tip: Removing wind noise from video footage in Adobe Audition". I went through the original video and cut out all the annoying voice over audio problems from the first video (learned a lot since then) and cut out about a minute of "UMMMS and UHHHS"! ;-D Hope you find this tip useful and I thank you for watching. Cheers!

@VFXCommander - 28.11.2015 02:42

Thanks, but still there's a lot of noise :(

@TingleTriggers - 01.01.2016 12:27

This is great, thanks for making it a bit shorter too.

@GeoffReidNZ - 18.01.2016 05:01

Thanks for this mate!

@Galadadatingandrelating - 08.02.2016 23:21

Hi Craig, can you give me a skype lesson please - I'm happy to pay you. I don't understand many of the settings.

@jbhns - 04.05.2016 02:40

thank you so much dude

@andresrberbesi - 18.07.2016 01:28

Hi Craig! i'm having trouble because my video have really loud wind noise and i just can't handle it. Sometimes you just can't hear the person talking. What can i do in those cases?

@JamesSDurrant - 03.08.2016 00:41

Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Craig!

@SamDavies94 - 26.08.2016 18:39

This is an excellent tutorial! Thank you! So many of the tutorial videos you see are awful, this is the perfect example of how a tutorial should be!

@sergioivan - 06.09.2016 20:16


@TJackSurvival - 09.10.2016 07:47

Craig this was the most useful video I have seen today. Thanks for making this. Great name by the way. We must be long lost cousins.

@technoendo - 21.10.2016 00:39

Thank you for making this tutorial. First time I've seen noise removed this way and it was pure magic to watch you demonstrate it and then immediately replicate excellent results myself. I shoot a lot of gopro in windy places so I'll probably get a lot of mileage out of this.

@markstanson8348 - 13.11.2016 00:51

Awesome video

@dericwerth8776 - 21.03.2017 10:36

Hi mate
THank you, I'm a photog of many years doing some video for new clients - had some nasty wind noise, this video saved it for me.

@Teabone3 - 22.03.2017 06:12

Wow thank you so much!

@kingcobra9714 - 21.04.2017 12:02

God bless you brother

@VelkarTheAbyss - 30.05.2017 00:06

You just save my life, arigato senpai!!!

@freenando75 - 29.06.2017 03:09

hey, at the end you didnt render, theres the red line, and the sound is not the new one, check it out

@nikkieserrarens8118 - 23.08.2017 21:49

Thanks dude!

@ValentinBoeckler - 08.11.2017 13:32

thanks! really helpful

@Mandsefar - 19.01.2018 11:32

I don't think that "removing" is the right term here. "Dampen", maybe? I think you would have had more success removing the noise with "capture noise profile" which is also right there in Audition. But anyway, it seems like you helped a lot of people here :-)

@ArtandKitchen_ - 13.03.2018 10:31

where cn i download the software?

@CryptoMushroom - 07.08.2018 14:24

awesome great. This helped me a ton with a small amount of wind noise.

@jiffcia - 24.08.2018 17:12

best i ever see, thx

@calebjtv - 20.09.2018 22:52

Thank you dude! Saved my ass on an assignment for school!

@Worldwidewild - 01.10.2018 16:38

Great, thanks a lot! It helped and your description is clear, short, and without bullshit.

@ardeshiryami4075 - 28.11.2018 11:23

I used to use the Noise Reduction and it made it worse. But this technic is better. Thanks, Mr.White.

@stevewatts9128 - 27.03.2020 15:57

I get much better results using dynamic EQ. I don't use Adobe but I assume it has a multiband compressor in it somewhere. Just bypass everything in the multiband except the "low" channel and set a high compression ratio and a low threshold so that when there's no wind the compressor isn't being triggered and this helps keeps your audio track sounding like it should. The compressor will kick in hard when there's a blast of wind and knockout those nasty lows. hth

@kyawthetoo3312 - 06.04.2020 12:47

thanks you this videos help me alot

@stellahaus - 14.04.2020 01:32

Thank you thank you thank you. This completely worked for me.

@michael86734 - 16.06.2020 23:20

waths easier adobe audition or sound track pro

@Nex5Network - 11.08.2020 21:01

such a heavy handed EQ is not viable for longer productions where the sound needs to be consistent across multiple scenes

@YBGuy - 11.05.2022 21:54

I know this is a total detour side note..but are you on Mt. Diablo in the SF East Bay? If so, I have run this trail many times! : )

@dirkoberjasper7207 - 27.05.2022 17:14

That helped a lot - thank you very much! 🙂
