Composed by Nikhil Koparkar (@NikhilKoparkarmusic and @Shelf-Esteem), "Blessed Be The Eternal" is the theme song of The Edan Trilogy. In this video, it accompanies art for the special edition of The Way of Edan by The Broken Binding. Featuring a song of origin, the piece captures the epic sweep and beauty of the story told in The Way of Edan, The Prophet of Edan, and Return to Edan.
Music composed by Nikhil Koparkar
Cello played by Rohana Chase
Vocals by Nikhil Koparkar
Sound engineering by Todd Collins and students
Sound mixing by Nikhil Koparkar
Link to purchase the special edition of The Way of Edan from The Broken Binding:
Art direction by @PetrikLeo
Dust jacket and interior color art by Rene Aigner
Interior black and white art by Peng Lu
Map by Jack Shepherd
"Blessed Be The Eternal will soon be available on Spotify! You can PRESAVE on Spotify or get on Bandcamp prior to the release on streaming services here:
Music copyright by Philip Chase and Nikhil Koparkar. This music cannot be used for commercial purposes without permission.
#The_Edan_Trilogy #Fantasy_music #The_Broken_Binding #Special_Edition #The_Way_of_Edan