Her private joke is not funny, her hair colours equal her opinions (cant pick one so chuck anything in and call it beautiful.) a sad person indeed.
ОтветитьThere IS no way to deny the existence of human sin in this world. There IS no way to deny the fact that people die. There IS no way to prove reincarnation. There IS proof that Jesus existed and his effect effect on the human race.
This girl does not live in the real world. Maybe when she sees the reality of sin and death taking a hard toll on her mind Ray's generous words will offer her guidance.
Awe, this woman broke my heart. I couldn’t imagine having that much hatred in my own heart for my beloved savior Jesus like she did. 😢 I appreciate Ray and his persistence in dealing with people like her. He tried so hard to make her see that she could have eternal life through Christ’s gift on the cross. She got so hostile when he mentioned Jesus name… I have to wonder what set her off??? Do you reckon she was possessed by a demon???
ОтветитьPraise be to God the Father of our Lord and savior Yeshua. Thank you Ray for your ministry .
ОтветитьThis girl displayed the sin that God hates the most, as even us Christians do from time to time. Pride. Ray's use of scripture allows him to cut to the chase as Jesus did.
Ответитьegostistical truths and understandings is what she said as she drove off, but if she really understood the scripture and Jesus Christ's message than she would realize it is the complete opposite of that.
ОтветитьWhen she gave that staring eyes, and worst attitudes, you know you hit the word of God to the right person. She rejects, but it's just proves the word of God is the sword that splits her spirit and soul. She listens, let's keep pray for her. The devil won't have enough hold onto her longer, if God wills it.
Ответитьhow to deal with reincarnation, of which no 1 is sure of but believed blindly. By using dreams n gathering together ones
of approximate same time frame, which would mean that many r classified from the same period; therefore we could not have lived that many lives, causing d theory to collapse. [ What does d bible say? It is appointed to humanity to die once [ once only] n after that to face judgment. In d song Grave Robber states these words: There's a step that we all take alone; an appointment we have with d great unknown. Like a vapor, this life is waiting to pass; like d flowers that fade, like d withering grass. But life seem so long n death so complete; and d grave an impossible portion to cheat. But , there's 1 who has been n still lives to tell. There's 1 who has been thru both heaven n hell. And d grave will come up empty handed that day. Jesus will come n steal us away. Many still mourn n many still weep 4 those that they love who have fallen asleep. But we have this hope, though our hearts may still ache. Just 1 shout from above n they @ will awake. And in d reunion, what joy we'll C; death has been swallowed in sweet victory......written by Petra.
Well that's why God gave us freedom of choice. He doesn't want to gather an army of nonthinking robots in heaven. She chose her path.
ОтветитьI feel embarrassed for her
ОтветитьHer commitment to “spread love” wasn’t very committed.
ОтветитьSo much for spreading love.
ОтветитьShe looked in the mirror 🪞 and didn't like what she had seen. Pride. That devil manifested. Wow! We shall pray for all people that God will give them a heart of flesh and move that stoned heart. God bless her . ❤❤
ОтветитьLord, I pray for Abby; that she will open her heart to the gospel and understand that she is in need of Your mercy. I pray that she will be given a new heart with new desires, be born again and pass from death to life through repentance of her sins and placing her trust in You at the foot of the cross so she may have everlasting life in Heaven. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen Everyone, please pray for Abby and other people like her. Right now she is a lost sheep, but I pray that she returns to the flock of the Good Shepherd.
Ответитьlol she is lying. If I had one minute to lived I’d be screaming “HELLLPPPPP JESUS PLEASE SAVE ME HELLLPP”
ОтветитьYou could tell that she was fake to herself, her wisdom given by people who love the enemy. I feel bad for everybody like her, including herself. She is in need of all of our prayers 😢
Ответитьm'lady is the lorax 😂 she speaks for the trees
ОтветитьPeople who say "spread love" are the most unloving people I find.
ОтветитьThese people refuse to be spoken to. They are so brainwashed with do as you feel prospectives. They hate accountability and don’t know how to address facts. Hmmmm. I’ll like be brought back multiple times. And like, I’ll be perfect by then.
ОтветитьShe desperately needs Jesus as we all do!
ОтветитьI believe in Jesus Christ. She is correct when she says "it's a lot of ignorance", she has a lot to learn though.
Imagine Jesus meeting the woman at the well for the first and what He did was so reassuring. She went on to testify about Jesus in the town and gathered a lot of people, just telling people about what Jesus has done in your life is evangelism.
Let's not evangelise in a way it instills fear, let's preach love, he died for our sins, in Him we are saved, we are healed, in Him we learn to love better, in Him we have love, joy, peace, patience, perseverance, faith, hope etc
Let people see the peace that comes with believing in Jesus. I am telling you as a kid I gave my life to Christ because of the fear of hell but now I stay in Christ because of the peace and love I find in him. I have peace that passeth understanding.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I think her major disagreement was having only one life, then the judgment. As long as she believes in reincarnation, she doesn't have to worry about that. The first order of business would be to change her view on living only once.
Ответить"So would you be innocent or guilty?"
love that 😂
most possible she is into occult or some form of spiritism and obviously that or what ever is influencing her outsmarted Ray ...
ОтветитьThat’s crazy how that turned 180 May God open her heart
ОтветитьShe starts laughing hysterically at the statement of a man raping and murdering three women !
ОтветитьThe second you mentioned 'Jesus' name all hell broke loose. I loved how you handled it though!
ОтветитьShe’s definitely not all there….😳
ОтветитьNew age is satanic
ОтветитьIt’s a tragic thing that people thing they are holier and more just than Almighty God. Your idea of God is totally wrong. They don’t seem to believe in the devil. She was convicted by The Holy Spirit and she couldn’t accept it. She has a hard heart that only God can make humble. We are to keep praying for lost souls. All are called but only a few are chosen. What an aweful thing. It goes to show that many parents didn’t teach their children about Jesus when they were growing up.
ОтветитьThe Bible says the road to destruction is broad and wide and many people will take that road. But narrow is the way that leads to heaven and only few will find that path.
ОтветитьShe has the devil in her, ray was talking to her heart ,and the devil was putting the fear in her. Satan has a hold on this girl.
ОтветитьYou were hitting the sore spot of TRUTH...and it made her run. Darkness exposed hates the light. However, it reminds me of a show I watched years ago..on OPRAH, in the 80's....several Klan members were ranting and full of hatred on the show. It broke my heart...One woman in particular was so ANGRY, and hostile....I knew I had to pray for her...THEN, a miracle occured.. Oprah had a follow up show and the woman who was the angriest had done a complete turn around in her belief of hate towards black people. It was obvious she was convicted of her sinful ways on that show. wow....I would never have known this could happen to the one who was the most contentious....It taught me a huge lesson. Those who scream the loudest may be the CLOSEST to knowing the truth of God's LOVE and mercy....and redemptive salvation of Jesus.
ОтветитьHer views are sad and she was contrary to what she said she believes. I hope God speaks to her and she repents.
ОтветитьSuch a pretty girl. It was horrible seeing demons manifesting before our eyes. 👹👹👹🔥
Praying for her conviction, repentance, and salvation in Jesus Christ our Savior, in Jesus' name, Amen. 🙏🙏😡✝️✝️✝️⚔️🛡️🗡️⚔️🛡️🗡️
Pray for this woman. She is clearly dealing with demon oppression. Once the true gospel was shared, she became angry.
ОтветитьPastor Ray don't be dismayed Charles Finney said their are 2 reactions to the Gospel either guilt or anger she chose the latter
ОтветитьTo me this is an excellent example of casting pearls before swine! Or giving holy things to dogs! This reprobate is gone…more than likely has crossed a line of no return!!! God have mercy on her!
ОтветитьI think there is something very special in her still. I appreciate what Ray is doing and I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ myself. But idk the Holy Spirit is tugging and saying there is more for her .
ОтветитьRay was able to bring her pain and doubt to the surface. When she was laughing it looked like she wanted to cry. Obviously she left angry and crying. I hope that was the beginning of a spiritual transformation for her. Jesus came for the lost.
ОтветитьCut the video before the manual profanity. When I saw her at the beginning of the video, I almost skipped to a different one to avoid profanity, but then remembered it was living waters and that you edit out inappropriate things. Not only did you not edit it, you zoomed in on it. Very disappointed.
Hug a TREE🌲
Speak positive encouraging words to a
She doesn’t by watching this video , believe in Jesus or what he did for us on the cross. She lost it after that. Praying for her spirit
ОтветитьIt’s amazing how non Christians twist the good news of salvation to make it look like manipulation, fear, or something bad. Amazing.
Ответить"The good news is God is here, the bad news is God is here. Because most say they know God but they don't worship Him as God, so in turn they deny Him in their works"🙏🙌🗣🕊🔥🦅.
ОтветитьFaith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God in Christ Jesus/the author and finisher of the faith🙏🙌🗣🕊🔥🦅.
Ответитьwow I saw evil and hatred consume her before my eyes when she was presented with the love of Jesus. We must pray for this individual