안녕하세요 여러분! 아페쎄 제네바 백 리뷰
찍어야지 찍어야지 한지가 정말 오래된거 같아요..허허
제네바 백 고민하고 있으셨던 분들께 도움이 되었으면 좋겠네요 :)
참고로 저는 2년전에 런던 코벤트가든 A.P.C 매장에서 구매했습니다!
오늘 영상도 봐주셔서 감사합니다!
Finally got a chance to film the A.P.C.GENÈVE BAG review over the weekend!
Hope this is helpful to anyone who is considering buying this bag :)
It's one of my most worn daily bags + it fits so much which is always a plus haha
Just incase you were wondering, I purchased this bag from the Covent Garden A.P.C store 2 years ago! Thanks for watching xoxo