「聖塔克拉拉縣心理健康服務」聖塔克拉拉縣行為健康主講Connect to Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Service | El Camino Health

「聖塔克拉拉縣心理健康服務」聖塔克拉拉縣行為健康主講Connect to Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Service | El Camino Health

45 Просмотров


如果您有政府提供的低收⼊或⽼⼈保險, 或甚⾄沒有保險,在需要時可以得到由各縣政府 所提供的免費⼼理/⾏為健康,或物質濫⽤相關服務。如何申請? 有什麼樣的選擇? 獲得 這些知識,與⾝體⽣病時知道何處就醫,是同等重要。我們與聖塔克拉拉縣⾏為健康服務 部⾨合作,邀請第⼀線的⼯作⼈員來介紹服務,解釋申請程序。

講員: Peggy Cho, mental health peer support worker, SCC Behavioral Health Services Cultural Communities Wellness Program and Johanna Blandino, LCSW, manager, SCC Behavioral Health Services Navigator Program


How to Help a Friend or Loved One Access Behavioral Health Care in partnership with Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services

Did you know that those with public insurance can access a mental health or substance use provider at no cost? Learn to navigate the behavioral health system in Santa Clara County (SCC) to gain access to these critical services. It's important to remember that behavioral health is as important to overall well-being as physical health.

I. Connecting with Behavioral Health Services and Support

Speaker: Peggy Cho, mental health peer support worker, SCC Behavioral Health Services Cultural Communities Wellness Program and Johanna Blandino, LCSW, manager, SCC Behavioral Health Services

The workshop is part of the Mandarin Emotional Well-Being Series held by the Chinese Health Initiative.

Workshop date: 8/8/24


#心理健康 #中文講座 #心理健康服務 #聖塔克拉拉縣 #mental_health #behavioral_health #Emotional_well-being
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