ОтветитьThe hyeana of Europe.. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьHow is this not exactly a repeat of WW2!? Russians fight Nazis and the West comes in afterwards to claim the spoils.
ОтветитьMedvedev with the publication of his map of the end game in late 2022 greenlit Poland, Hungary and Romania to do just that with their former territorial holdings now in the Ukraine. Had they acted on that then it would have torn NATO apart, GOD willing.
ОтветитьThe more UKR delays at peace talks the more likeley that there will be nothing left to divide up. Russia should keep all ethnic Russian regions that have been captured. The rest it should go back to the original countries because UKR is a recent invention and the most corrupt nation on the face of the earth and it should not continue.
ОтветитьPoland also occupied a small part of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
Besides, nobody, especially not Poles, remember the history. Their memory is very selective, they deny the fact they occupied the territory of what is now western Ukraine after WW1.
Let me remind you that Poland as a state didn't even exist for more than a century before WW1, that territory was divided among Germans, more precisely, Prussians, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russia.
After the war Poland formed again and to mark their eastern border with now Soviet Union, the winning powers of Entente sent Lord Curzon to delegate the border. He looked at the population of places, and based on the majority of population the border was drawn. It was called the Curzon Line. BTW, today's border roughly corresponds the Curzon Line.
After the war, Soviet Union was weakened by revolution and civil war and Poles siezed the oportunity and occupied what is now western Ukraine.
When Soviets invaded after German invasion, they went to Curzon Line, practically returned the lost territory.
After the WW2 it remained in Soviet hands, ceded to modern Ukraine. Poland was actually compensated by German land in the west.
So, dear Poles, keep your claws to yourself and STFU.
Hungary and Russia are the only ones have historical lands in those regions as history is longer than a Century but thousands of years even Russia created Romania.
ОтветитьThat part of Russlands used have loyal Munchaks from Zaporoshe Syche the White Cumins and Black Cumins are both Cumins from the Syche region.
ОтветитьPoland will become a part Greater Belarus soon and there will no border between
ОтветитьNato changing narrative to suit their advantages Hegemony over others?! Gog and Magog warmongering nations.
ОтветитьBig mistake, my Polish brothers...😮
ОтветитьRomanians can't help themselves, an opportunity aroused to grab some land...
Liars and thieves
Ní fhéadfaidh arm na Polainne a gníomhú agat mar "amhais" agus ag an am céanna mar "choimeádaithe síochána"' Bubble the Heal out of them. You can't have your Polish army acting as "mercenaries" and at the same time as "peacekeepers"'.
ОтветитьAmerica is finding new ways to keep this war going Poland is being used as Ukraine is, these people better wake up
ОтветитьTake meds schizo.
ОтветитьRussia eont tollerate this and will push them back
ОтветитьThis region was already sold to BlackRock by Zelensky.
ОтветитьThis is not true. It is just russian propaganda and only russians are stupid enough to belive it.
ОтветитьUcraina has too much Romanian land and it's coming back now.
ОтветитьVatican headquarter names Poland is F up.
Ответитьputine u have polak to je nato
ОтветитьIf Poland moves east, so should Germany. It's time to take Silesia, West Prussia and East Prussia back.
ОтветитьAs long as Poles stay within the boundaries of Lviv Oblast, Russians won't have any great dispute over Poles in Lviv.
Russians should never allow any easements for Polenukrainistanland to access Black Sea ports without serious prosecutions and sentences for Nazi gangs and Ukrop war criminals.
NATO is an American protection racket .
ОтветитьPoles were never renowned for their intelligence. Hence the Polack jokes that swept the world in the 1960s.
ОтветитьPolan anda harus hati hati setiap langkah anda jangan sombong hati hati
ОтветитьEverything Putin and lavrov said in the last 20 years about the US, Europe and NATO is absolutely true and happening right now.
ОтветитьRussia should not allow a single poland soldiers to go back alive gotta teach these soybois who liberated them from nazi back in WW2.
ОтветитьSoon, Poland will soon to exist like Ukraine but differently.
ОтветитьNobody's afraid of a girlarmy.
ОтветитьW H A T A L O A D O F B O L L O C K S
ОтветитьRussian propaganda at its best: no sources, no witnesses, no video, just a paid guy reciting the Russian official talking points.
Thanks, you made my day :-)
none of this is real or even plausible, yet everyone in the comment section seems to believe Poland already occupies western Ukraine. Amazing.
ОтветитьThe United States is overrun with evil to the core.
ОтветитьThat means the Polish have to polish their asses so the Russians may find them attractive, and feel sorry for them.
ОтветитьFirst time i heard this bulshit news.
ОтветитьChurchill was right!
ОтветитьPoland will suffer even worse than Ukraine. Poland doesn't have the weapons to counter Russia, and unlike Ukraine, won't get that sweet American weaponry.
ОтветитьI thought DUDA had more sense , seems like he has been corrupted by TUSK and co. - the vast majority of the POLISH people don’t want this whatsoever. . Democracy in action - NOT.
Ответить😂😁😁😂😁😁😁 NATO na Nonsense as I always say. Imagine Poland wanna bite of the Russian Secured PIE..
Zippidy Duda should be very careful of what he is saying!
ОтветитьRussia Must Take Back Most of Ukrain Including Odessa because the Origin Of these Places is Russia. This is why they call Russia MOTHER RUSSIA.
ОтветитьDoes this mean that if Russia attacks Polish troops within Ukraine it will automatically invoke article five of NATO ? I'm sure Russia will see through this scheme 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьMaybe Ukraine is going to be the size it was in the 1600's.
Certainly though, Russia will NOT allow ANY Western troops anywhere near the Russian borders.
Putin hasn't conquered the Odessa regions yet, so this war is not over yet.
Ukraine is like a wounded animal around which hyenas are closing in
ОтветитьThe Hyenas are on the move again!!!! .. Poor Ukraine ..they have to contend with the "green shirt" and the "hyenas" .. and the 'yankee-doodles" and the "russiaphobe-euros" sheesh! ..its enough to call for an election.. PEACE OUT
ОтветитьRubbish. Any prisoner any person can claim anything. The question is how to believe in rumours without solid proof?