Neither John or Patsy have anything in their history before the murder or after it that would suggest that either of them is the type of person who would have auto-erotic behaviors. John had a wife and family before Patsy and now has another after, none of which accuse him of anything evenly remotely hinting to these behaviors. Burke, as a nine year old, would not have had the type of development required for acting on these kind of compulsions. Maybe if Burke were twenty years older, but not at nine. Granted, the Ramseys were behaving defensively and perhaps even strangely, but they were being accused. If any of us were in their shoes and had enough money for attorneys, we probably would do the same thing in terms of lawyering up. There is saliva, DNA evidence, from the panties that can and hopefully will be tested against familial DNA to find a match, if the Boulder PD will get off their a**es.
ОтветитьWill this case ever be solved???
ОтветитьDefinitely still think it was accident by brother and covered by parents!
Ответитьwhat intruder takes the time to write a 4 page ransom note inside the house
It's very apparent they did it or assisted in her death
For all the reasons put forth in your initial video on this topic, there is virtually no way an intruder penned the ransom letter. Additionally, the quality of the police investigation and the questionable behavior of the police during that investigation are, potentially anyway, completely irrelevant. As far as the DNA is concerned, how many items lying around the home did John and Patsy have access to that might have contained foreign DNA on their surfaces? You don't think John was intelligent enough to realize all he had to do was wipe down JonBenet's body with just one such item? The transfer of the DNA would have been all he needed to sustain reasonable doubt. Once again, who the h*** breaks into a home, hellbent on plunder and destruction, doesn't possess detailed knowledge of the Ramseys' schedule, yet sits down to write the ransom note version of the Gutenberg Bible? HE did it and THEY covered it up.
ОтветитьDr grande drank the cool aid. Damm shame because the documentary was so clearly biased in favor of the Ramseys
ОтветитьI believe the DNA was tampered with.
ОтветитьOne thought that no person has ever considered is, what if there was no ransom note, and JonBenét's body was found in the basement? If this were true, then John and Patsy Ramsey, if they were truly innocent, would have said, "We don't know what happened, we don't know how JonBenét died, and we don't know how she made it to the basement of our home." However, John and Patsy would most certainly have been charged with JonBenét's murder.
The ransom note was in part an exercise in misdirection. The writer of the ransom note referred to him or herself as being "A small foreign faction". If true, then what kind of people in Colorado would meet the definition of "A small foreign faction"? In other words, the ransom note vaguely and nebulously referenced a group of culprits that law enforcement would never be able to identify and ultimately investigate. If the ransom note led law enforcement to one or more suspects who resided near the Ramsey's residence, law enforcement would diligently try to determine whether or not these suspects were involved in JonBenét's demise. If the police were to conclude that the ransom note was largely an exercise in misdirection, then they would more strongly suspect that John and Patsy were involved. This is why the note refers to "A small foreign faction."
John and Patsy intentionally contaminated the crime scene. Who invites three sets of friends and the local priest to the house at 6am, when their daughter has just been 'kidnapped for ransom'? I won't bother stating why the 'intruder theory' is absurd. But suffice to say that making the victim a bowl of pineapple before you kidnap them is somewhat of a first.
ОтветитьI’m willing to bet the garrote’s primary use was sexual (as opposed to a “murder weapon”). There are distinct elements of BDSM influence. Garrote (and similar paraphernalia/methods) have been a part of the breath play/choking/strangulation “scene” in this subculture. It is currently frowned upon due to the obvious risks.
This person likes to exert sustained control over a victim and has distinct sadist tendencies. There’s a lack of feeling of control there somewhere.
Knots on the makeshift garrote- BDSM players take pride in their knots of (consensual) bondage play. There were 4 distinct knots- either indicates several ppl (unlikely) or one person with a knowledge of knots either through hobby, discipline or BDSM play
ОтветитьIt was one of the parents that did the murder.
ОтветитьWhen did u be come such a joke
ОтветитьHalf of the stuff in the doc is proven bs. the jet gassing up would u leave after ur kid was murder ? If so u shouldnt have kids. What about the spider webs still on that window how did they dodge the webs or the bars. What did they pay the spider to rebuild the web?
ОтветитьI highly suggest you listen to the extended cover of Little Miss Christmas by True Crimge Garage.
They interview a PI and journalists hunting this story + stories of organised abuse in the area by a specific family selling their children for abuse.
I think your analysis is spot on. I don't think it will ever be solved, sadly.
ОтветитьI’ve constant seen the criticism against parents dressing their young daughters skimpily, and very liberal people pushed back by suggesting that anyone who even sees a problem with it is a possible sexual predator.
Interesting how this case has brought the most liberal and conservative people on the same page. So who was pretending
touch DNA never cleared them omgg. people hear DNA then they get CSI syndrome so hard and disregard all the other evidence that points to them. john did it, how is benet being repeatedly SAed but the ramseys have no clue who might be doing that? and you have a PATTERN of not believing people accused of SA are ever guilty of it.
ОтветитьThe parents are ultimately at fault. Theyr'e the ones who exploited their kid, their were the ones who exposed their kid to .pdf -iles. Putting makeup on a kid and call it beauty is just disgusting. So the parents might have killed her, they might not have. But theyre still very much responsible. Extreme bad parenting. One interesting thing is the ransom note. If you look at the letters, it looks like its written by someone who is shaking, shivering, out of panic.
ОтветитьIf John was so intent on having the unidentified DNA re-tested, he could have paid to have it done himself, instead of criticising the police lack of action.
While that DNA remains unidentified, John can continue to claim the kidnapping theory.
ОтветитьJohn Ramsey killed JonBenet. It is sad how easily the public can be manipulated by the media. Even Dr. Grande!
Corrections: the ransom note was on the back stairs from 1st floor to the 2nd floor, Officer Rick French searched the house ( At least JonBenet’s bedroom and the basement that morning ). John Ramsey received the $118,000 bonus in early 1996. There was no evidence that this amount was visible anywhere in the house. Neighbors were not there, John and his friend Fleet searched the basement when her dead body was “discovered”. Fleet was the husband of one of the friends Patsy called after the 9-1-1 call, the movie posters in the Ramsey’s basement were not the ones ( Speed & Dirty Harry ) like the ransom note. The bowl of pineapple was not in the kitchen, it was in the breakfast dining room ( not a well traveled room ), and there were not 100 burglaries in the months before the crime.
The Netflix documentary was completely one-sided. Just about all the people in it feel John Ramsey is innocent. Furthermore, none of them were Boulder Police Officers. Just about every police officer and detective, initially on the case, felt Patsy wrote the note and was guilty. What happened was the district attorney would not accept this opinion from the lead detectives on the case and refused to arrest them. Then the case was given to new detectives and district attorneys.
The better question Dr. Grande should have asked is why did the intruder write the ransom note and then leave JonBenet in the house? How difficult would it have been ??? Also, Dr. Grande stated that people felt Patsy did not write the ransom note. That is ridiculous. The police, the district attorney, just about everyone thought she wrote the note.
John Ramsey was in the U.S. Navy and owned sailboats. The knot on the garrote was unique like a sailor would know how to tie. There is no evidence that the grate above the broken window was moved. What intruder would replace the grate exactly to the same position after he left? JonBenet was sexually molested prior to that night. What intruder could have molested her prior, then returned to kill her. John said JonBenet was asleep when they got home and stayed asleep, yet there is fresh pineapple in digestive system.
John is so guilty.
Are you serious? An intruder? Did the murderr sit at the table and serve her pineapples with milk too? How ridiculous. Further, 20 minutes after the body was found John was calling his pilot to arrange flying them to Atlanta. 20 minutes. Further, what are the chances that the person that breaks into your house has the exact same handwriting (over 200 similarities) that you do? You lose all credibility.
The devil is in the details.
They are guilty they need to be arrrsted before John dies he is old
ОтветитьWhat keeps this case alive is the fact that the intruder theory was dismissed by the police...WHY??
ОтветитьThe evidence was contaminated right from the start.
ОтветитьIncluding her body
ОтветитьDr Grande was fooled by this one, the father did this, it's very obvious.
ОтветитьI haven't seen the Netflix doco but I am AMAZED that you don't even mention the possibility of the brother having killed the child accidentally and then the parents covered it up. Why have you totally ignored this possibility?
ОтветитьPatsy's prints would be on the bowl-and every other glass, pan, flatware cup in that kitchen she is the wife, the homemkaer, putting dishes away, moving them over in a cabinet!
You are an idiot
ОтветитьThe family has plausible deniability. It's like that bugs Bunny where mugsy Malone hid in the oven and bugs said "if my friend mugsy was in this oven would I turn it on and light a match"? "You might rabbit you might". I do think based on so many open questions from the pineapple, no reaction to a scream, the son supposedly being asleep when chaos ensued and Ramsey calling his pilot that day to say he wanted to go to Atlanta as he had an important meeting (huh???). That last one may be made up, gossip,.tabloid fodder who knows? But 33 visits to the pediatrician and all kinds of other craziness make me say hmmm. Also the note explicitly wants that if they tell anyone than JB dies or will be beheaded. Not only did the parents immediately disregard this threat and call the police (that part I understand. What else are they gonna do? But invite the whole neighborhood over. They did NOT need to do this. If the note was legit they would have put any chance of getting her back in serious jeopardy. If however this was an inside job they might realize that creating massive confusion and misdirection with the note (kidnapping...) and also inviting multiple people to the house would massively contaminate the crime scene .
ОтветитьAll the evidence points to Burke as being the culprit.
And based on the childish content and natture of the ransom note, he more than likely wrote that too.
Again!! Another one who is on the side of parents, no intruder was involved in this. The ramseys would have you beleive all this rubbish that normal people wouldn't dream of ,
ОтветитьPatsy caughy John SA Jonbenet. In her anger she attacked John and accidentally killed Jonbenet.
The parents are both guilty and covering for each other.
The spiral staircase did not lead to the basement.
ОтветитьSome people can't see the forest for the trees!
There was NO intruder.
Burke did it and John & Patsy covered it up.
Nobody will ever be punished.
The End.
# I heard the DNA evidence was NOT sufficient to exclude any of the family.
# Individual letters in the ransom note have an unusual style and perfectly match Patsy’s writing.
# Why did John go straight to the basement where she was?
# Why did John and Patsy show no concern when the ‘kidnappers’ did not ring at the scheduled time?
# How can they say they heard nothing through the night when the scream was loud enough to be heard over the road in another house?
Dressing up children to look like adults in pageants should be BANNED.
ОтветитьHow was she behind a locked door? The “intruder “ was supposed to have left from the window. So it would be impossible for the intruder to lock the door from the outside.
ОтветитьPut yourself in the “intruder’s” position and ask yourself, would you really break into a home with the intention of taking a child to hold for random but not write the ransom note beforehand but instead take the time, while in the house, to write a two and half page note full of superfluous information? I don’t think so.
ОтветитьThe Ramsey family had a Christmas celebration party a few blocks away from their home in a friend's house.
John Benet Ramsey was sleeping in the car when the family returned their home so she was picked up from the car and put to Bed.
Considering the distance between the two houses, it's not possible for the child to sleep in the car after a dinner party . If she was really sleeping the chance of eating finaple at home is almost Nil.
Did the John Benet Ramsey eat pineapple at the friends house during the celebration.
Had any one seen John Benet Ramsey getting into the Car?
I think their daughter was attacked by some one in the friends place and became unconscious in the car.
Parents unknowingly put her to bed.
I love your channel this is the only case you analyzed that I disagree with. I think many investigators said it best. The idea that they didn't do it is preposterous. !st no parent would allow their son to remain sleeping. The 10 o'clock deadline came and went with no mention by either. Also, the note was ignored by the Ramseys who not only called the police but also called friends. It makes zero sense to all of these and sooooo many more unless they knew there was no intruder. No one can say certainly that the DNA comes from the killer. Sooooo many people contaminated it
ОтветитьThe Ramseys did not kill their beloved daughter, She was beautiful in perfect health, and just very well taken care of. Look in another direction a pedofile group from their church killed her. I will always believe that.
ОтветитьI remember a🤥 strange thing jon said about locking himself out an climbing in the basement window without clothes on .? Netflick said nothing about burkes feces in jon benet room .......
ОтветитьYou know what absolutely blows my mind? The fact that some people actually believe Burke wrote the note and orchestrated the entire thing! 🤣🤣🤣 i mean sure some 9 year olds are well read and intelligent etc, but to believe Burke not only killed her but did everything else is hilariously stupid
ОтветитьI think your original hypothesis was correct