Why the Bretons of Brittany Speak a Celtic Language - Celtic Breton Explained

Why the Bretons of Brittany Speak a Celtic Language - Celtic Breton Explained

Celtic History Decoded

3 года назад

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@sonofhunnewell7145 - 04.07.2021 23:29

Excellent short summary. A minute or two of information on local customs and identity would have rounded it off.
Looking forward to one of these for every region mentioned. Don’t forget to include Galicia as a Celtic tribe.

@jackieroberts7895 - 20.10.2021 17:15

Why does Breton have the same national anthem as wales?

@trashman5018 - 10.12.2021 06:18

Nice video 👍

@lauriedmills7581 - 16.06.2022 18:53

So pleased you speak slowly! I'm an Australian descended in part from Brittany so learning from you is very interesting - thank you :).

@jusistine - 09.07.2022 04:21

Most of my family is from Brittany, but my close family lives in Paris. The reason there was such a drop from the 20th century to the 21st was that the French government attempted to kill the language but forbidding its use in schools, or even giving your children celtic names. It's pretty recent to be able to do that actually. I don't know breton but my grandmother had given me a vocabulary book of Breton and I wish I knew where it is because I want to learn it now.

@e.jenima7263 - 11.07.2022 05:29

Bretton is spoken regularly by over 8 million people today.allthough it is regularly spoken in Brittany today and is now legal to be taught in the public schools after being banned for almost 100 years. There is a fear that with Rural flight and increased tourism that although it has over 8 million speakers it could become endangered. Britons are somewhat discriminated against mainly bc they are not seen as being truly French in culture, there language sets them apart and the Betton's are seen as stubborn, harboring Royalist and separatist sympathies ect. As well as having a unshakable faith in the Roman catholic church....Bretons are deeply devoted to the church something secularist France dislikes.

@LVQuinn83 - 12.04.2023 20:54

You seem to forget that spaniards are not just Celtic, but CELTIBERIAN with also roman influence. And not all iberians were the same, there were different tribes of Iberians. That is , the substartum is a mix of Iberian and Celtic, whereas the British isles, (and Ireland) are a mix of celtic with Germanic and Viking.

@bouchacourtthierry8506 - 09.05.2023 21:39

Before Brittany was Armorique and Armorique was Celt. .. Celt langage continental before romanisation (Gaulois, in French), was very similar with Celt from Great Brittany ... and Roman settlement was none in Gaul ...but when British Celt invader continental Celt was erased

@waterdragon2340 - 06.06.2023 00:22

Manx died in the 1970s and Cornish a long time before - there are revivals now but with a broken history

@bertoldriesenteil1430 - 14.06.2023 10:51

"Celtic" is a language group not a race of people as implied in the title of this video.

@christopher6759 - 05.08.2023 15:59

Why the Bretons of Brittany Speak a Celtic Language? Because they are Celts, simple as.

@fdghn4567 - 17.09.2023 17:49

Breton is also close to Welsh, My brother in law was amazed that driving through Wales to visit relatives he could read the road signs in Welsh. My brother in law told me that when he was at school, if he or anyone else got heard speaking Breton they were caned for it.

@SantaFe19484 - 27.09.2023 01:31

Nice video! I can see the kids saying "why do we have to learn two languages?"

@zorbeclegras5708 - 19.10.2023 13:25

The Bretons play a form of bagpipes that has been their own for centuries: The biniou coz, used during village festivals. The very high sound of this bagpipe is not suitable for large groups, and it was therefore decided to use the Scottish bagpipe associated with Bombardes (a kind of haubois with a strong and vibrant sound) and percussion when it was decided to create this ensemble. called Bagad in the 1930s.

@jasonbritt2497 - 05.12.2023 22:19

My last name is from this Region or person from. I’m assuming it’s just a surname given to people from the region

@willhovell9019 - 15.03.2024 16:53

Love the machine Scottish voice. Do you do a Glaswegiian one too 😂

@christianbargain560 - 14.04.2024 23:31

Very nice vidéo ! thank you ! i am Breton .😀👌👌👌👍

@chuckfriebe843 - 29.04.2024 10:17

The reason it’s dying out is because the French, a-holes of the world, don’t want any regional dialects or languages to be supported. They should be forced to preserve the language.

@youenn2180 - 14.05.2024 10:08

The speaker may be of celtic origin according to the way he speaks English , he speaks like some elderly people in Brittany speak French because their first language is Breton ....

@Dolgueuledure - 16.05.2024 23:15

Liar..., the real Celtics native were black Africans, there's planty of research about privé of it, stop telling bullshit, and change the pictures of the people to the real native celts people...

@ShellyVoiceActsToo - 31.12.2024 20:54

What a beautiful accent

@Anton-v5d4f - 03.03.2025 00:57

A video on the DNA of current Bretons would be interesting.
