Mafia III - Police Behavior Analysis

Mafia III - Police Behavior Analysis


55 лет назад

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This video analyzes the police behavior of the Mafia III, a game released in 2016. It is the sequel to Mafia II. It was developed by Hangar 13 and it is a huge departure from previous Mafia's serious and hardcore style games.

As always, this video is not commentary and if you have any feedback, suggestions, etc, please do let me know in comments! Alternatively, you can join my Discord Server. I'm active and can respond to requests, feedback, etc. Anyone is welcome.

0:00 Introduction
0:46 Police Introduction
1:37 Wanted System
5:49 General Behavior
8:19 Issues
11:00 Conclusion

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Mafia III. It’s 1968 and after years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay knows this truth: family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you die for.


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@TommyLikeTom - 02.09.2020 23:29

There are a lot of downsides but also a lot of upsides to mafia 3's police. I like how they hit on NPCs XD

@isaacsrandomvideos667 - 10.09.2020 02:47

I think they just made Lincoln black, just so they couldn’t have too program the cops....

@Yaboy9610 - 29.09.2020 09:48

Are mafia 1 cops realistic ?

@christopheredgar7615 - 29.09.2020 11:50

Thank you for the help I am thinking of buying the game but didn't know how the police would work I thought it was like gta 5 for an example

p.s. keep up with the great work

@robloxlover1363 - 04.10.2020 00:17

Makes me not wanna get this game anymore

@NiVRo90 - 11.10.2020 09:33

I think why the police shoot you even committing small crimes is your skin color.

@christiantorres7866 - 12.10.2020 18:38

I always disliked that the police never dropped weapons/ammo if you were ever stuck in a shootout or just want to get into a good old rampage

@laviejay3487 - 18.10.2020 03:11

To be honest they want you dead because your black they say that in the story and sometimes you can't enter stores because of it.

@KumiesCummies - 04.11.2020 00:37

I want to say that I understand why the police just open fire on Lincoln, a half-black man compared to the previous two white male protagonists, especially considering the setting, but I still wish there was a more realistic police system like the last two games. The absolute psycho police still feels a bit over the top in a way. I think it would’ve been a great opportunity to have a similar police system, but also create something that fits the time period, like a bit of snarky comments and/or police brutality when Lincoln commits small crimes and gets ticketed/arrested for them.

@mikiroony - 08.11.2020 16:16

They justified lazy coding with "oh, Marcano bribed them". I played it a few years after it came out and recently as I did a full playthru from Mafia I definitive, Mafia II and this. I honestly LOATHE this game. I never uninstalled it fast enough after playing. What a heap of BLM-narrative garbage.

@jhontrochez9419 - 13.12.2020 22:12

I did game PS4 mifia 3 but saw that fake police siren wrong support mob men hunt kill black guy loser that bullshit it stupidly game system negative ?

@BritishRail60062 - 17.12.2020 06:50

The cop AI sucks in this game. Its no different to fighting another gang. Still the M16 makes light work of them though as long as you are behind cover in an ally. Just mow them down wave after wave in this game. Mafia 1 and 2 is better. The cop AI in GTA V is better than this game. Oh and don't get me started on the sheriffs and deputies in this game. That is just a glorified gang-banger gang with a badge and easy to take out as well. The Vagos and Aztecas even put up more of a fight in GTA San Andreas.

@Mangomesh - 30.12.2020 15:52

I played the original Mafia on the PS2, never finished it. Would you recommend Mafia III or even Mafia II? I like what I see, Mafia III looks like a underrated gem, almost as good as GTA III.

@smashthings4fun - 16.01.2021 22:32

they're worse then gta v cops

@sentryandreas - 02.02.2021 11:20

YoU gOt ReEEaL PoLicE iNCoMin

@hshocker98 - 18.02.2021 13:14

I rather have a cheap police AI than no Police AI at all like in Cyberpunk2077.

@tyrequ5303 - 23.03.2021 20:09

Idk why they needed a fake New Orleans Ubisoft proved u can set your open world game in a real life city

@jamesmcload1137 - 10.05.2021 01:33

I never imagined that Mafia 3 would have better police systems than Cyberpunk 2077.

@crungo619 - 27.05.2021 04:48

Not a fan of how they seem to have downgraded the police AI from the first two Mafia games. They just try to cap you GTA style.

@premkenneth8939 - 15.07.2021 01:26

Wow I never thought the ai could be racists

@Ayaki6166 - 25.07.2021 09:17

Police is very bad than Mafia , Mafia 2 , Mafia Definitive Edition.3 the police is hate to black.but real New Orleans Police Department's Chief is black guy now😆😆😆😆

@sanlorenzo7896 - 26.07.2021 01:01

The biggest flaw this game had was that you couldn’t pick up cop weapons and ammo for extended gun fights. That right there was a huge mistake made by Hanger 13 and it killed the incentive for random rampages.

@gamingmoth4542 - 13.09.2021 00:27

Seems like more and more games just don't bother to add an "Arrest Mechanic". The Police AI were able to arrest NPCs in GTA 4, but Rockstar decided to remove it in GTA 5 and they only ever arrest the player (and only in single player). There was a decent Arrest Mechanic in Mafia 1 and 2, but they just couldn't bother to add one in Mafia 3. Just comes off as kinda cheap TBH.

@RaccoonCityPoliceDept - 18.10.2021 11:50

The police don't reat when the NPC shot you because they were Marcano's men. Marland has bribed them as you said, therefore they join the fight I your enemy's favour

@snörvelinäsan - 02.03.2022 01:12

my favorite thing is using marshall to snipe down one of two officers standing next to each other, the other officer calmly bowing down going "this one's deader than a lobster in butter sauce..."

@chndl3r43 - 08.03.2022 05:29

Why didn’t they just copy mafia 2s police system

@justinkurttoboso2957 - 16.05.2022 14:43

this is NOPD and SO Based

@RenerDeCastro - 20.05.2022 10:37

So, the cops saying that they're "real police" implies the existence of fake police?

@Skinned_fried_n_cut_up_potato - 25.08.2022 08:12

I guess you could call it like realistic because I don’t know racism or whatever but it really annoys me that everything is shoot to kill I liked how in mafia 2 I would be close to a mission zone and I would accidentally run into someone and I just be able to pay off the cops or pay the speeding fine like not that big of a deal.

@DieHardRedemption - 17.11.2022 04:05

I find it absolutely bonkers that the amount of officers which are present. You might find yourself pitted against 50+ officers

@NikoCRios - 12.12.2022 20:41

Better than gta v cops lol

@BisexualPlagueDoctor - 27.03.2023 19:21

Realistic depiction of being black in that era I guess

@reihanmahendra4343 - 14.04.2023 21:17

Unlike Mafia 1 & Mafia 2 Police Officers Do Not Drop Their Weapons When Killed.

@christiangallardoguy - 21.05.2023 08:20

If mafia 4 becomes a thing, they should learn of their mistakes of previous games not just in Police behavior but many other things

A small thing, but there are several things throughout the series that are anachronistic like songs and vehicles and some other things

@NightCraft2023 - 25.09.2023 01:58

and I thought that the police in gta 5 are aggressive, here they simply never, but really never give you the chance to get arrested and the only thing they can do is SHOOT and KILL, in gta 5 even if you have 5 stars, there is still a chance that you will not die and you can get arrested, but here the police only kill, so the name POLICE is not correct, it should be called Execution Squad instead

@Yukanhayt-Mhenow - 29.10.2023 11:00

They suck on this game i bumped a cop car and pulled over thinking I'd get a warning or ticket and just like gta5 they just want me dead over nothing!

@patrickalegre7709 - 23.12.2023 20:14

youre trash at editing

@T0-55flamethrower - 04.03.2024 06:34

I have a question

Do mafia 3 cops just shoot you for everything you do

@FeeIRG - 20.06.2024 13:51

Pretty realistic for being a black guy in 1960s America tbh

@rainbowdashandsonicftw4792 - 15.08.2024 03:02

So even if I break traffic laws the cops will shoot me this is a type of scenario where it's a shoot first ask questions later kinda thing they are just as bad as the LSPD in GTA online

@stunseedordeesnuts - 29.12.2024 05:11

NBPD and SPSD have the K.O.S order on black people
