Manuela Incendario has been a Trifocus Fitness Academy Ambassador for many years.
This is Manuela bio for Trifocus Fitness Academy:
- How has TriFocus advanced your career?
"Trifocus has an incredible online learning platform, that allows me to further my studies in my leisure, and in a simple online method as my time will not lend to a classroom environment."
- Which Trifocus courses did you do?
'"Pilates , Bootcamp, Pregnancy Diploma and currently Life Coaching which is amazing!"
- What is the most valuable knowledge you have learned from your Trifocus fitness courses?
"I love the fact that Trifocus is so hands on and you get an amazing foundation in learning and offer the absolute best to my clients. You also get taught to always put your clients first. "
- Which course/courses would you recommend to others, and why?
"I loved the 3 day bootcamp, it was intense and calorie busting, exactly what my clients need to see optimal results."
What advice do you have for newbies/people just embarking on their journey in the fitness industry?
"Invest in education and never stop learning, your clients health and wellness is imperative over everything else."
Trifocus Fitness Academy: