How Captain America: Brave New World Sets Up the Illuminati and Avengers: Doomsday

How Captain America: Brave New World Sets Up the Illuminati and Avengers: Doomsday


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@killah_disciple1 - 26.02.2025 20:13

I think the Thunderbolts will have a different name either soon after they assemble, by the end, or even before the movie drops. The name makes no sense. Not a good look to be named after Ross after his actions in Cap 4. Also, weird they hadn't referred to Ross as Thunderbolt until Cap 4.

And what if you're jumping the gun on Sue being pregnant. It's not that obvious and hasn't been confirmed. This feels like another Watcher spotting. Something you want to see that isn't really there.

@jackparkes4092 - 26.02.2025 20:17

I’m telling you guys, Chris Evans isn’t playing an evil Cap or a variant. He’s playing the same old Steve Rogers we know and love, and his story picks up from when he decided to stay in the past with Peggy! That created a branched timeline that I reckon leads to the FF retro future universe and is ultimately why that universe collides with the 616. The old man Rogers at the end of Endgame was actually sent back to his timeline, probably by Reed. There’s going to be a major connection between the FF and 616 universes, I’m certain.

@knownote - 26.02.2025 20:26

Screencrush= Disney shills

@KtownMisfit1975 - 26.02.2025 20:30

We have the Illuminati already. Wong, Banner, and Captain Marvel. I also think Bucky could be a member. He would be in charge of super soldiers and widows.

@imperialpen9uin536 - 26.02.2025 20:56

I still can’t grasp how the thunderbolts will stop sentry when they can’t even survive the trailer

@brandon8656 - 26.02.2025 22:02

I don't think they're going to use the molecule man variants I think they're going to kill all the anchor beings which was introduced in dp and wolverine
EDIT: he had the same idea

@_KaiTheGamer_ - 26.02.2025 22:38

Hey someone else made the Clea - Sindel connection lmfao

I feel strangely vindicated

@amaury5788 - 26.02.2025 23:03

Can someone tag Marvel to this channel? They might add some logic and interesting storytelling to their future movies and make the MCU great!

@cordyl6748 - 26.02.2025 23:24

Bro everybody and they momma better show up 😭🙏

@Gagagahahshshfj - 26.02.2025 23:37

God marvel fell off. I’m tired boss

@kwamsley605 - 27.02.2025 00:08

I thought Ryan was going to say, "Thunderbolts should be an Avengers movie" 🙄because ScreenCrush wants to turn everything into an avengers movie. Jokes aside, Ross stepping down puts the Dark Avengers theory back on the table. Valentina could be setting up the Dark Avengers with Sentry as a member, while the Thunderbolts accept their moniker and stay The Thunderbolts. Meanwhile, Earth 616 continues to descend into chaos as the villains take over. Just wish we could do this with Osborn.

@thestarseeker8196 - 27.02.2025 00:12

I don’t want Doom to just drop in cold, part of why he’s amazing is the love/hate relationship he has with so many in the Marvel universe.

@bluecanary822 - 27.02.2025 00:52

Where is Loki during all this? I thought he was in control.

@dashbennett - 27.02.2025 01:16

Interesting theory, but I’ll take it one step further: Battleworld will be a hex created by Wanda

@thesuperslayer7864 - 27.02.2025 01:35

They could replace molecule man with Franklin Richard instead and use the new fantastic 4 movie to setup his character. He could be responsible for actually making the fantastic 4 and galactus, which is why there has been no mention of them because Franklin Richard just altered reality to make them.

@psychoapplesauceeater8562 - 27.02.2025 02:19

It really should be the X-men world (the one Monica ended up at) that we grew up on VS our mcu world

@phoule76 - 27.02.2025 02:20

Avoid the Noid

@Anthony-wf7qb - 27.02.2025 09:33

Celestials already replaced The Builders.

@johnsmith-i1n - 27.02.2025 14:29


@scottcampbell9515 - 27.02.2025 15:24

I wonder if the powers of The Void send people to the Void planet which debuted in Loki season 1.

@BloodBandit - 27.02.2025 15:43

GOOD LUCK making this film Russo Bros

@TheHarmmm - 27.02.2025 17:05

When Red Guardian says, "We are the Thunderbolts!" and Bucky says, "we can't call ourselves that" I think Red Guardian's is just an ADR misdirection and he actually suggests calling themselves THE AVENGERS.

@ericweston4048 - 27.02.2025 19:15

More zip-up hoodies on the way?

@gavinthegoliath - 27.02.2025 19:53

I dont think all celestials are made of adamantium. It was changed in the finale of the eternals movie, so maybe she changed the properties and created adamantium with her power's?

@Okamiiee - 27.02.2025 20:46

Honestly… This theory with the celestials and Wanda being molecule man and the beyonders is actually great! My money is on that!

@micnoozm78 - 27.02.2025 21:45

Not confusing at all 😕

@albertvonka9346 - 27.02.2025 22:19


@JDT859 - 27.02.2025 23:09

Im worried,I think we need at least 1 or 2 more movies before Doomsday, just to help set this up properly..

This is was so many people thought Captain America Brave New World should have been more about Cap reassembling the Avengers… we’re about to have a major Avengers movie without a current Avengers team!!

@richmondsamuel2034 - 28.02.2025 03:00

Ummm question where does Loki play in all of this as to how season 2 ending?

@jrmartinez239 - 28.02.2025 03:28

I wonder how this connects to how Palpatine returns.

@Altmetalpunk - 28.02.2025 05:17

I mean, we have no clue who that group was at the end of Shang chi. There is no avengers so why were Wong, okoye, banner, and Carol on a group call with eachother? What's that group chat called?

@SetYourScapegoatsFree - 28.02.2025 06:12

I just don't understand how all of this story is going to fit into the announced projects.

@javiergorguis7796 - 28.02.2025 06:50

Kevin Fiege is rolling in his bed knowing screen crush figured it all out 😂

@ExEoDuSPrevail2011 - 28.02.2025 07:27

I just wanna know where TF is white vision?? I've heard nothing about him since WV

@keeyonniez - 28.02.2025 17:58

They’ll probably show the 616 Illuminati in the Fantastic Four end credits 🤷🏻‍♂️

@phantomstray - 28.02.2025 19:12

Avengers: Oops All Captain America

@nijahreid2444 - 28.02.2025 21:49

Bring back Kang that’s all we really want and make him the the big bad again

@benjaminwhite3585 - 02.03.2025 03:25

I'm kinda wondering if, at the end of Doomsday, Arishem (I think that's his name) comes back to "judge" humanity, only to have Doom completely destroy him and gain Celestial powers.

@erikagholston6610 - 02.03.2025 17:27

I’m just ready for a new movie.

@KevinLynnPorter - 02.03.2025 18:47

You say that celestials are made out of adamantium, but isn't that what Sersi transformed it into adamantium from it's organic state?

@wheattoast1971 - 02.03.2025 19:02

This is so stupid. Yes, in the comics The Illuminati was a very great and important team. But in the MCU it was wrote off by a cheap stupid cameo scene. Now if they just use them again, Marvel can just “Oh but that was a different universe’s Illuminati so it’s fine.” But that’s the same shit Sony did when Madame Web tanked, or that WB did to bring in a new Joker for “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League”. And I’m SO TIRED of seeing the Multiverse used for cheap damage control. That’s not what the Multiverse is used for.

Using the multiverse to reintroduce the F4 in their original ‘60’s context is GENIUS. Using the multiverse to reintroduce a former mistake from 3 years ago is STUPID.

@alexvoltaire4547 - 02.03.2025 20:50


@adriang.a5776 - 02.03.2025 22:28

Cap america 4 was pure SHIT

@ScreenCrush - 26.02.2025 01:07

What did you think of the ending?
