Consistency - The Key To Digital Marketing Success - Don Crowther
Most people don’t recognize that consistency is the key to digital marketing success.
Yep, consistency.
Simply doing the same thing day after day after day. Because the algorithms that drive the Internet are programmed to reward consistency.
And consistency is especially powerful when you are choosing to do the right thing day after day after day.
Choosing the right thing, that’s key, but even if you’re doing it just 70% right, it’s better to do that one thing over and over again than to not do it at all because you’re not sure you’re doing it 100% correctly.
Take social media, for example. It’s way better to post something that’s 70% great every single day than to post one 100% thing once a month. The same thing applies to content, email marketing, and yes, launching products and courses.
Consistency - it’s a good thing!
This is Don Crowther, saying just go do this stuff!
Copyright 2022 Breakthrough Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key concepts: #ConsistencyIsKey #DigitalMarketing #HowToBeConsistent #SocialMediaMarketing #HowToStayConsistent #DigitalMarketingStrategy #DonCrowther
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