Ryobi 36V HP 46cm Mower In Long Buffalo Grass! Australian Summer conditions in 2024

Ryobi 36V HP 46cm Mower In Long Buffalo Grass! Australian Summer conditions in 2024

Turf And Tools

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@AxleLotl - 29.01.2024 23:02

I got the 18V 37cm mower. It does an awesome job in the dry for general weekly maintenance but torque is severely lacking and it stops frequently due to clogging of the chute. Plus since the load is a lot higher with taller grass, the batteries heat up a lot more which causes them to cut out until they cool down.
I recommend either getting several 7Ah batteries for it or just going with this 46cm beast x'D

@sgh77 - 30.01.2024 00:54

Great to see you're wearing a gas mask, the petrol fumes from those electric mowers are dangerous! Safety First!

@addsfour3499 - 30.01.2024 08:50

Whatever you do, make sure you buy a 36v one. I bought a 18v one during Covid as there were no 36v available, and it struggles.

@peterr6739 - 30.01.2024 11:20

well done! I love watching someone else mow the lawn!

@Southy49 - 30.01.2024 13:33

I have the 36V 46cm brushless model with the 5ah brick battery. I have a buffalo lawn and with the lawn at the height you mowed it struggles doing a first pass at high setting. It is difficult to push through the longer grass, something not quite right with the design as the front seems to dig in. The shute keeps blocking up to the catcher if grass is slightly moist and the catcher drags its backside on the ground to the point it is wearing through. Only good for a much shorter kept lawns in my opinion. I like the spongy lawn underfoot and the 36 year old old four stroke Rover still does it easily.

@petert24turner71 - 30.01.2024 14:36

Obviously a non pro mower due the amount of back tracking over mown areas.

@jonlev5911 - 31.01.2024 13:58

Hey mate, what cord are you using for edges? They’re sharp!

@tommo1330 - 31.01.2024 15:01

Trash mower it's a toy.. I do it commercially only honda

@CallMeMrX - 03.02.2024 13:16

Would this be a good mower for commercial everyday use for small/medium lawns, or is it really just for domestic DIY use?

@veebee3969 - 06.02.2024 15:07

Thank you for the nice video. I have 2 questions please. Has the mower got a self propeller? Your lawn looks great. You said your lawn is buffalo. What variety?

@daveking77ea - 08.02.2024 12:20

Splashed out on this after we lost the old 4 stroke in floods early ‘22
We have a quarter acre block about 65% still grass (not lawn 😅)
Mix of everything under the sun
Life on the one 6ah battery on fullpower is about 40 ish minutes and will get 80% of our grass done
If on the smart mode we can usually get it all done.
And that’s a mix of catch and mulch
As you can imagine, this summer we are mowing every 4 -5 days 😂
Will get the 36v trimmer when my 14 yr old 2stroke needs major work or dies outright.
Probably get the brushless chainsaw for this winters fire wood. Then I’ll have more batteries to play with 😁
They are pricey buggers!

@Mububban23 - 09.02.2024 04:45

Electric is so nice. No smelly fumes, less noise pollution, lighter and easier to use. And dead batteries can be recycled. Perfectly suitable for most suburbanites not mowing acres every week

@simonkhoury1844 - 11.02.2024 12:43

what whipper snipper are you using and which one do you recommend for cutting small - med sized lawns

@jayng153 - 14.02.2024 02:45

Didn't U used to do gay porn?

@souhailshamaissem7564 - 03.03.2024 15:06

Why going over the lawn 4 times?
Forward and backward then you trim the edges then you go over the same area again forward and backward that is 4 times in total for every area you cut.
I only go over mine just once with my petrol mower.

@apcvapes - 06.03.2024 09:42

Why the mask

@svetlifishing580 - 15.03.2024 19:26

Hello love your videos!!! can you tell me the name of the red plant?

@mkii9110 - 17.03.2024 12:32

have you seen the 51cm 2x18v mower from Ryobi? I would prefer that one as it can use the 9ah 18v hp batteries which can also be used in other tools. 36v batteries are that useful to me

@enzomoya1689 - 23.03.2024 09:21

Sure wish they would bring the black decks in the U.S. The ugly grey is just so bland!

@falconmick - 31.03.2024 17:29

To clarify, you did this with one charge on the two 4ah batteries?

@hugonevarez5244 - 07.04.2024 05:34

I worked for many years in Arizona as a gardener and we always cleaned the house first, throwing the trash on the grass and then lifting it up with the mower last.

@kentkjrgaardjensen4304 - 10.04.2024 11:30

Which trimmer is it? 😊

@yaksmowing - 28.04.2024 03:01

How does it go with mowing dust… All we have in Perth atm 😆

@tobias-vj7pe - 28.04.2024 10:47

You do a good job mate

@tarksable - 18.05.2024 02:12

Why do you wear a respirator though?

@thylac2024 - 05.06.2024 13:50

I have the 'smart-boost' version that takes 2 x 36V batteries. Bought it to replace a petrol-powered Honda. Worth ever cent. I can cut my modest 150sqm of lawns and only use about 30% of the battery-capacity. Cut's cleanly and fills the catcher efficiently. Money well spent.

@Jeg_er_tyk_og_grim - 07.06.2024 04:00

That Sheila was checking you out..

@ieatrareturtles - 09.08.2024 16:30

What’s the model of the Ego trimmer you used?

@pkjmfineart1593 - 29.09.2024 12:28

Double cut?🥴 Triple cut?😵‍💫 = bzzzzt! FAIL.
I really wanted a battery mower. By the time battery mowers are up to what I need one to do, -> billiard table low cut finish, single pass,
my $1100 three week old 190cc, quad swing back blade, power mulcher, alloy deck 19" self propelled will be five years old and easily last another 10 years.
I wish manufacturers would get serious with battery mowers. Excellent video though thank you. 😉

@chrissheldrick4073 - 03.10.2024 01:20

Does this mower mulch.. Thanks.

@0_0merry - 21.10.2024 17:50

What plant is that beautiful wine colored one? Im so intrigued

@guitarist6494 - 08.11.2024 13:07

Which line trimmer were you using here?

@dylan.noronha - 16.11.2024 06:32

Whats the name of the purple shrub?

@vinayshsureshram277 - 02.12.2024 05:59

Between 1-5, which setting should I move mow my sir walter buffalo lawn in?

@tassie7325 - 08.12.2024 04:06

How dose this handle wet grass. Living in Tassie, I frequently have to either mow when grass is wet or wait until it is dry, in which case it will be very long.

@pauleverest - 11.12.2024 00:28

I bought it. It’s shit! Doesnt cut


@patnr4again - 13.12.2024 12:52

what whipper snipper are you using there?

@AustralianFrog - 14.12.2024 03:44

Why do you wear a face mask?

@Joelle-o5t - 18.01.2025 10:09


@nevnuance3480 - 23.01.2025 16:21

I'm a semi-professional (semi-retired) & have been using this mower for over two years. I love it. Recently, the stitching in the catcher started to split. Although it was only 10mm long but growing, I took it back to Bunnings & walked out with a brand new lawn mower kit. Same model, same battery etc. etc. all because Ryobi doesn't keep spares of any part. Go figure. Just have once criticism - the height adjustment mechanism can be a little tricky but a great mower nonetheless.

@michaelbedard7859 - 30.01.2025 07:03

Do you miss your old house?

@DylanZ1201 - 01.02.2025 08:50

I bought the entry level Ryobi mower years ago and regret it so bad. It does my tiny backyard ok but struggles so hard on the nature strip especially if it gets longer than 3 weeks of growth 😂

@onecookieboy - 09.02.2025 08:47

I have a faily large, sloping section and a year ago I bought a NZ$1500 Ego self propelled mower with a 7.5 A/H battery, it really struggled with my lawn and would need recharging once to do the whole lawn. After a year of mowing roughly every second week the battery is pretty much dead (3 charges to do my lawn), and a new one is almost half the cost of a new machine so I went for a Masport self propelled mower. It's night and day, the Masport just powers through everything, the self drive is way better and I can do the lawn on one tank of gas without stopping, honestly, the Masport makes the Ego look like a toy and I have no doubt it will still be going in 10 years time. My only regret is that I wasted my time with the bloody useless battery mower.

@omnipaul123 - 12.02.2025 07:27

I have the size down from this, brushless 36V Ryobi and it does our big couch lawn effortlessly every fortnight. Great mower.

@aeroauto-h1b - 17.02.2025 14:13

I have the cheaper $499 36v and it’s never not been able to get through anything I’ve mowed around home

@colincolenso - 08.03.2025 06:38

Thanks for the excellent video. A couple of questions. 1. Are the batteries exchangeable with the typical Ryobi tool batteries? I have a couple of 4AH and 5 AH batteries for tools already. 2. What edger were you using and, if another is preferable, what would you recommend for standard domestic mowing requirements?

@KonaCommuter - 11.03.2025 01:32

Thanks for this video!

@turfandtools - 13.01.2024 11:19

Correction it’s $799 with ONE 6ah battery and charger. They recommend running it with TWO batteries for maximum output. I ran it with 2x 4ah batteries here. Let me know if you have any questions about this unit 🙌
