Why YOU SUCK at ADC (And How To Fix It) - League of Legends

Why YOU SUCK at ADC (And How To Fix It) - League of Legends

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@alisehadeandada1496 - 16.09.2024 08:34

Davis Brenda Thompson Amy Garcia Amy

@kostkacukru1776 - 15.09.2024 15:14

This strategy of gold influation and so on is good and pushing sides as adc works... but only in Iron, Bronze, where people sucks so you can carry or in Diamond 1+, where people know, what is going on and won't die as retards without you.

@RobertVaughn-v9x - 11.09.2024 00:13

Jackson Kenneth Smith George Clark Robert

@HCSNMCO - 10.09.2024 20:58

what if enemy adc uses the same strategy?

@GeorgeCaesar-y4q - 09.09.2024 22:02

Clark William Lopez William Lewis Edward

@AluWalaNaan - 08.09.2024 22:31

Its all cool and all until the mid, jgl, and top are 07 08 010 before even the first lane tower is destroyed

@huynguyennhat3513 - 08.09.2024 04:48

I read the title and im thinking about my soloQ games " hum, so im suck at ADC for real or my teammates is the problem made me suck?" Cause everytime im really fed, others role played so bad. How an fed ADC can deal with a fed Aatrox, Garen, or assassins and engage champ. And sometime, they picked J4, Zeri, Malphite,... some stupid champ for support, and not synergy with me. So its so different between the Pro and SoloQ play. In Pro, adc fed and their teammates know how to snowball and cover you, soloQ especially in low rank just always fking inting and combat and dont give a fck the adc

@WoolleyHoney-o3v - 07.09.2024 12:16

Garcia Thomas Garcia Jose Jones Brenda

@pedrinbalafina4122 - 07.09.2024 05:58

So you're telling me, all the mistakes I think I'm making are minorities and that I should look for these side laning strat instead? Cool I'll try that

@HazlittGene-y8p - 06.09.2024 08:51

Gonzalez Barbara Miller Sharon Anderson Lisa

@krolestwoakwarystyki5081 - 04.09.2024 16:31

first 3 steps and i am jinx god thanks for tutorial

@calrndown - 02.09.2024 00:51

Thanks my dude !

@juliolamlam8853 - 31.08.2024 10:10

What if they have an assassin when the ADC split push?

@JrooPwk - 30.08.2024 21:30

only works when youre paying bots

@voidgaming6037 - 30.08.2024 14:45

my problem is as an adc main, i can come out of laning phase 10-3 but when top and/or mid feeds its over

@villiamped - 27.08.2024 13:38

I got plat last season as adc and went down to bronze 2 as mid/top this season went back to adc to climb again lol so i guess adc being the worst way to climb is relative to the individual player 😅

@gravimotion_Coding - 26.08.2024 17:25

I played LoL for a moment as ADC and I had the impression ADCs die way too fast.
Even if I am fed, enemy assassin attacks me two times and I am dead lol…

@CrisProGameZelda - 26.08.2024 09:49

This guide only works while you climbing till gold 4. After that, this strategy barely works in 25-30% of your games, and if you continue playing like this, you're gonna stuck and get reported really hard.

In medium elos you have multiple things to considerer:
- Assasins always are a threat, since they can one shot you even if they are like 0/5/2 on the score board. As long they have at least 1-2 items, they can kill you easylie. So, pushing alone the line almost always ends with your head chopped from your body.
- Winning the early game phase line is not so much impactful as a whole on the late game, and also can be even a negative choice since you can give bounties to the enemies. And as a said before, you're squishy, so everyone can kill you and take it. Thats something really important because the balance of gold can turn really fast if you play with this mental conception.
- The worst case scenario for an ADC is not dying 3-5 times on your lane. It is your mental down because you start messing around alone and not playing around your team.
- When you are far ahead of your opponents, the worst you can do is getting stick at your lane. Is better to roam mid/jg to expand your impact by letting your mid/jg gets kills with your help. Also secure towers/dragons/objectives.
-When you are far beyond of your opponents, the most important thing to do is farm and roam every time the enemy adc do it too. And pray the enemie adc be overconfident and your assasins take it in control.

Good luck ADC mains, you will need it.

@DonavonMiller-d7l - 25.08.2024 20:19

WTH I Been giving 5 auto attacks to my jg this guy is saying to only give 3 autos bro now my jg is gonna afk

@pspkider - 23.08.2024 20:41

A lot of these strats are really only possible on Kai'sa reliably. Other champs can not pull off the game delays well enough.

@cashmerefire7335 - 17.08.2024 23:50

Really appreciate this

@cagatay57 - 16.08.2024 06:13

youre suck at adc too emerald mechanics

@Hoihaufen - 13.08.2024 16:46

ADC is best enjoyed with an actual Duo partner being either support or jungle.

@extremeslade108 - 08.08.2024 02:47

If u side line as adc u gonna get collapsed anyone

@hiimhopro9561 - 07.08.2024 14:35

Honestly is that a good video or wast of time?

@JH-fd9xt - 06.08.2024 04:49

Problem is my jungler and support go 0-11 and im just getting out itemed everytime and I am not dying and trying to keep up.

@ukasz9625 - 05.08.2024 04:02

this so bad strategy. In EU u won't get even diamond with that macro.

@bombigiussz - 04.08.2024 17:45

powiem ci wkurwiłeś mnie z tym jhinem na początku filmu

@joshshadduck8399 - 04.08.2024 06:27

this is the worst, most inaccurate guide you've ever put out. you literally show a support 1v2'ing the lane as a good thing and then a different support losing the lane 1v2. you compliment one and shit on the other and say its an adc issue?!?! come on now stop taking advantage of the low elo by lying to them, as adc they can determine the trade but not all adc's, same with supports in lane. stop acting like it's a be all. its situational

@Gabrieliffth - 03.08.2024 00:19

the best video ever, but I recently change for jungle and for now more fun and dynamic.

@hggpi - 02.08.2024 23:58

"laning with yuumi" XD.

@Domenico3419 - 02.08.2024 12:53

i think it would be more accurate if you would also caount the enemys farm ... if you say each wave is 450 gold, the enemy adc also farmed some waves... so in the end you didnt improved your gold lead by 1200 gold... thats kinda unrealistic if the enemy adc is still farming

@sirjoi1628 - 30.07.2024 13:16

Low elo Ezreal players need this

@zorreid5191 - 30.07.2024 11:07

Total bullshit bro you make adc sound like a shit role, when it isnt

@mybedvt - 29.07.2024 20:43

TDLR: Split pushing as adc wins games in soloque

@iltarantin0 - 29.07.2024 03:01

el mmr de tu cuenta influye mucho si has perdido mucho, te va a tocar gente mala, como se puede reparar ese daño?

@Alertayvigilanciapreventiva - 29.07.2024 00:00

Don't buy the advice they sell. I bought the annual pass by mistake and wanted to make the return to start with the monthly package. However, they told me that they would return my payment, which never arrived, and they took away my access.

@amyfalls - 28.07.2024 23:44

thank you!! :3

@TristanOnGoogle - 28.07.2024 23:33

There is no way 3 players don't make a "triangle formation", no matter what their position is.

@stephans.9165 - 27.07.2024 21:37

idk maybe im even to stupid to do even this. I tried it, lost 4 games in a row and got flamed that im never at the fights and keept losing. I guess im just shit at this game.

@leearnie - 22.07.2024 18:00

I'm watching this because I'm determined to be an ADC main coz I'm tired of playing support for years!

@bobbysigns5248 - 22.07.2024 17:01

Please choose a different person for the commentators on these videos. This guys voice is ear piercingly annoying asf

@Acidicstudios - 22.07.2024 13:27

Botlane is nearly unplayable nowadays with how bad and toxic most support players are

@SuperSigner10 - 17.07.2024 17:27

Side lanes are important but you are playing team dependant role lol?

@TheMauroco100 - 17.07.2024 04:44

nice video, thanks. Love that i improved my english ahhah

@santiagopintoc1342 - 17.07.2024 03:50

Yo... if you can split push + steal enemies jg at 20 in the game it means you are playing against bots, this is a guide for iron-silver players
