bro the flopping around kills me in sports these days ... fishing for fouls n shiiii.... sad to see.
ОтветитьIt would be fun to see Demarcus Cousins go one on one with Wht to get bullied.
Ответитьnigga Chris complain too much he mad big
ОтветитьChris is a big baby crying for everything... come on man....
ОтветитьYall could complain about Chris all you want, he killed cam with 3s. ggs Chris
ОтветитьBiggest baby in the league. Cry about everything that doesn’t go his way. Boy so trash. Travels every other play. He lucky they aren’t calling that.
Ответитьu soft as baby butter swht
ОтветитьThis is the absolute first day i knew this existed, after seeing some vid about dude not being a content guy. Um i beg to differ 😔
ОтветитьWay to go, I lost faith in my boy but he pulled through loll.. cam is a beast, don't doubt crswht
ОтветитьCrswht you a big a** cry baby slim big soft a** you need to retire B*t*h
ОтветитьI rock with ya but Chris be crying
ОтветитьChris is straight buns😭😭😭
ОтветитьCam you choked smhhhhh you had that
ОтветитьHard to describe the level of darkness here.
ОтветитьJust the other day they were beefing😂
ОтветитьSuch fragile mindsets in this league, dont take notes yall
ОтветитьFeel like a lot of these guys are the same ones who say "NBA soft" but yet call for EVERYTHING as a foul
ОтветитьIf you love Cam Wilder drop a like 👍
ОтветитьAll cam wilder really did was shoot 3s 😂
ОтветитьCrs is such a baby
ОтветитьWilder don’t know wtf a pump fake is ??
Ответитьdont bring chris back. hes ruining it.
ОтветитьChrs wht the Ak of yt ball.
Ответитьchris a cry baby 💀
ОтветитьDudes that play bully ball always cry the most
ОтветитьThis guy always plays bully ball and complains
ОтветитьAll he does is cry about everything
ОтветитьThe two biggest crybabies 😂
ОтветитьAfter cam won the 1st game to 11 after Chris was complaining about fouls
ОтветитьIt might take a lot of effort but instant replays on foul calls would be a good addition 👍🏾
ОтветитьAll the crying this cat does is Awkwardly entertaining!
ОтветитьMy man is flexing in the promo clip and hasn't lifted weights since he was 12 lol
Ответитьis there a bigger crybaby in America?
ОтветитьThey should put Chris 1v1 vs Metta World Peace and see if he plays/acts the same 😂
ОтветитьCrswht ist a Actor..... He is just a Big Baby !!!
ОтветитьChris is gonna get his shiz rocked one day , the way he talks . Low key waiting for that moment.
ОтветитьWhen Chris said “AND 1 !!” Really it’s “AND NONE !!” Lmao 🤣
Ответить😂😂Chris gots 2 moves😂😂. A 3 or a right hand spin. No left, take his right, he has no game. 😂😂
ОтветитьThought 7-0 was skunk. Dats wat his big sorry sour ass said against uncle sloob. Lol
ОтветитьBig azz alway complaining. He a waste of content.
ОтветитьI teally dislike dis big azz crybaby fr. Ik honestly none of dem like him. Lol. They kno its d truth
ОтветитьDude literally called the foul before the shot, he always complains the most after the game when he loses, but when he wins he ignores it, dude needs to chill, mf aint getting paid millions a year to act like that💀
ОтветитьWhyte's never committed a foul.
- Whyte
Chris cried the whole video😂
ОтветитьAs someone's who played big man basketball all my high-school days, i was a PF/Center. I understand why chris does complain a lot. It's easy for small, soft guards to say all he does is complain, but if 90% of you guards endored what we do on a daily basis down in the post you would understand some of the hits we get on a regular possession would be a flagrant 2 if we did that to a guard. U can't stop chris from the post, so 99% of people gonna hold Elbow, scratch anything they can t Lno attempt to slow him down. The majority of the time, bigs don't last long as guards because of everything we endure once u play as a big u will understand.
ОтветитьAin’t no one who can stop Crw’s layup
ОтветитьCan’t do nothing with the body 😂bruh ramming him to the rim
ОтветитьBig man can play, but his crybaby mouth makes you overlook his game.