This simple phrase will stop gossip once and for all

This simple phrase will stop gossip once and for all

Mindfully Yours

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@Squeaxx - 02.04.2024 12:29

my ex still spreads lies about me 10 years later and everyone still believes him no matter what proof is shown. by then the damage is already done. I lost all my friends because of it.

@OHT26 - 12.03.2024 16:52

why are you telling me this ?
why are you talking about me ?

@mariadinn4441 - 04.03.2024 09:59

Gossiping is a habit I have to break and I always feel gross after doing it.
I had a job where everyone gossiped about everyone (including me!) and my relationships in that place were terrible. I decided to stop gossiping completely at work. I’d not engage or change the subject. People stopped gossiping with me and all the drama I experienced at work disappeared - like magic!

@robot7759 - 01.02.2024 09:29

Just say 'No'.

@kevindavis4709 - 14.12.2023 14:05

I’ve asked why you telling me about this they’ll say I don’t have no one too tell my problems to.

@nvyharrisonII - 26.11.2023 12:37

This is excellent.

@relentlessrhythm2774 - 09.07.2023 05:42

Great idea!

@laleezy77 - 20.06.2023 06:34

I say " i have no opinion about this" or i just dont respond at all & will change the subj myself

@Black.box_mc - 17.05.2023 16:39

,,Gossip has no place in a respectful and mature society!"

People gossip because they do not feel good about themselves.

@phish_1 - 14.05.2023 20:29

If gossiping is unhealthy should we knock down Entertainment business or social media? 😂😂😂

I just watched the British Royal family and the media is talking about them like a gossip neighbor! 😂😂😂

What about sales and marketing? They usually advertise the company to gain more attraction and costumers! Right?

In Mark 16:15, the scripture says, “and he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”

Therefore, the gossip is normal!

@Vikengirl1 - 10.05.2023 08:19

"Small minds talk about people, big minds talk about ideas."
c. Anonymous

@amritapritam187 - 09.04.2023 15:41


@MauriceRivers415 - 28.03.2023 07:54

Gossips, busybodies, and backstabbers are all losers. They have nothing else going in their lives, except to gossip and tell lies, and stir up trouble. Jealousy drives a lot of gossipers: they always have some juicy tidbit of info they're trying to scatter around, and it's mostly (if not always) lies and tall tales. Don't associate with gossips and busybodies: they're nobody's friend.

@ashdstee - 01.01.2023 23:15

“Why are you telling me this?” hasn’t worked for me because the gossiper will say “I just find it fascinating!” They cannot stop to themselves because they have nothing else to say.

@tina8796 - 28.11.2022 06:59

If a person brings nothing positive to your life, then get rid of them

@hummingbird2254 - 22.10.2022 17:26

My mom told me when I was young that those that gossip to you, will also gossip about you.

@debspringchannel831 - 11.08.2022 22:28

I hate gossip

@evelynsierra5775 - 09.08.2022 08:42

The #1 sin

@catholicfemininity2126 - 29.07.2022 05:47

Gossip is straight up a sin, and a deadly sin that cuts you off from God if you gossip bad enough. Like calumny or detraction. There's a good reason why that is, you're basically complaining about a person and not treating them with charity or seeing their dignity as a fellow human being with a soul and creation of God the Trinity.

@roseadams8003 - 18.07.2022 02:23

Don’t let them teach you their clever games

@BL-rb7jm - 28.06.2022 23:00

If we don't like to be gossip about then why do we gossip sure we're all guilty at one time or another but if it's going to promote hate then that's wrong we do gossip in our society as long as it's constructive and it's not putting me a person down then it's okay because there's good gossip and then there's evil gossip even the Bible says do not be going from house to house and murmuring me complaining about somebody

@zaramalik799 - 23.04.2022 04:54

Almost all the time people gossip around whenever wherever i'am it irritates me so i choose to be silent or to be alone and then they talk about me that i am arrogant and i've some type of pride

@phyllisdevries5734 - 06.04.2022 05:55

how fucking Petty and hateful

@courtneyblackburn5948 - 04.04.2022 18:23

I have this tendency to gossip and I really need to stop.

@delicatelips - 03.04.2022 07:23


@flightforlight157 - 24.03.2022 21:22

Unless they continue because they don't know what to talk about unless it's gossip. I'm admit it have failed sometimes to stop gossip because all it takes is one negative comment then a flood comes from the gossiper because they themselves have no intent to stop.

@dawnofthesky3783 - 21.03.2022 18:36

Ever since I've known that people surrounding me these 3 years are as fake as a wig, I found it so disgusting to handle. But thankfully, the semester is ending in a month and I'll never see them again. I dislike gossiping people with a passion and find them pathetic.

@jmbal925 - 17.03.2022 09:28

Very very useful!!

@CYSYS8993 - 12.03.2022 01:06

If there's one thing worse than the gossip itself, it's when everyone mindlessly believes them and accuses you of lying or playing the victim when you truthfully object.

@jasonbourne6323 - 25.02.2022 15:10

You know this doesn't help me.

@Klonen75 - 20.02.2022 19:03

Gossip is a natural part of life. Trying to mock people who gossip doesn't make any sense. When you participate in gossip ask yourself this: Am I learning and maybe achieving information that can benefit? Or am I just confirming my already set beliefs and not obtaining anything I can do something with?

Starting a quesion with why is appealing to the logic side of the brain. That's a bad idea when you want to adress something that is comming from the emotional side of the brain.

Making clear that you don't want to participate in something can be a good thing for you personally. Stating your boundaries. But alienating the other part might be a bad move. It depends on the situation and who the person is.

Here is my suggestion: Ask the person what they are saying about you when you're not around.

@mobilegamingkayleigh - 12.02.2022 11:20

am I the only person with a rly toxic friend who gossips to me about every one of our mutuals/friends?? like i literally gossiped about her and I think she knows??? i know it was my fault but honestly it was so comforting to just vent about her. anyways the girl’s terribly butthurt and decided to block me on all my accounts. I’m glad I got her out of my life but my only concern is her gossiping about me to her other friends. like semester 2 just started and if she gossips to everyone in my science that would not be good 😐 um- just to clarify, she’s the type of person who starts all the shit. like I’m not kidding. without her there would be literally close to no gossip.

@joncampos5551 - 31.12.2021 20:40

Please don’t use a prayer group as an excuse to gossip. Been there.

@stelmosfire11 - 31.12.2021 11:16

There is one WORD that stops gossiping. The word is ‘Anyway’. Stops any conversation.

@fj3648 - 17.12.2021 22:17

I am sorry for all the people who I gossip

@Tee.Dee3 - 13.12.2021 19:24

someone started a rumour about me having a crush on one of my friends-

@user-dq2ym1nn9k - 06.12.2021 14:59

turned 40 this year. gossiping has become unbearably unattractive to me.

@coffeeblack1057 - 05.12.2021 08:56

Good one right here.... it works... theres another tactic i will use for my fellow Christians when they wanna spread gossip. I ask them. "Instead of gossiping... aren't you supposed to pray for them?" That'll stop em AND make em feel stupid. Lol.

@keithwilliamson5778 - 05.12.2021 02:03

When I was a young man I would gossip ..... Until I got my jaw punched..... I quit gossip, and now I'm a better man because of it....

@jshome9295 - 24.11.2021 23:46

Great advice!

@unoldcardigan8575 - 23.11.2021 01:10

Why you’re telling me this ?

@rik-keymusic160 - 13.11.2021 16:33

No, i do not fully agree. If you have like a man who treats you poorly… shouldn’t you not reflect on that with others? Your friends could help determine if that behavior is infact harmful or not… i mean, if you grew up in a toxic environment in which psychopathy was the norm… how could you know it since you didn’t had a reference point that showed you otherwise… people need to talk, also about others behavior. Not to feel superior but to find out if the things you noticed are also noticed by others. If there was no gossip, how could you find out something about unwanted behavior?

@danieltheteacher - 13.11.2021 10:34

If I tell you that Judas betrayed Jesus is this gossip?

As a child I had zero confidence in myself because my biological dad abandoned me.

My mother would yell at me daily, lie to me, and as a result I became retarded.

Is this gossip?

The definition of gossip says that the information may be true or not true.

Please help me by writing a reply for me.

@joanne_ie - 22.10.2021 20:20

I’m a freshman, and I’m dealing with gossip. The things they say hurt like shit. I fr don’t know what to do, and I deadass have no friends. I feel alone.

@saklanianjelika7570 - 29.09.2021 22:57

Thnk you

@nye1122 - 27.09.2021 12:29

you know some of the gossip mongers are belonged at our back, so sad that their life looks like uninteresting to talk sad to hear that some of them are attending the church and know the words of the lord....but not afraid of judging someone with their nonsense gossiping,you know if you are brave enough and clean enough and have a Normal state of thinking to confront the people you've gossip, you just proved that you have standards in yourself for telling what is wrong with that person instead of gossiping...gossiping makes you look cheap btw...let them look like very desperate ahahahahaha geez karens

@hellgirl5844 - 27.08.2021 04:58

my mom won't let me leave the school at this rate I might k myself
