Bulleen | Northeast Link Build, Victoria from above // #Comingupforair

Bulleen | Northeast Link Build, Victoria from above // #Comingupforair

Coming Up for Air

5 месяцев назад

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@kelstra1997 - 23.12.2024 01:50

Absurd project - blown up out of all proportion compared to what was really required - all at the behest of the CMFEU. The taxpayers are expected to pay for this utter extravagance and then pay exorbitant tolls for the next 50 years or so. Totally ridiculous, the construction can only be described as mindless vandalism.

@robertlanz3124 - 05.01.2025 11:21

This will take 20 years to complete. I might be dead by then.

@richardtravers8772 - 25.01.2025 19:53

That footage is about as useful as this overblown project. Never underestimate the amount of Tax Dollars the Socialist Republic of Victoria Labor Government can waste.

@NickNack-o9s - 08.02.2025 14:35

Thanks for making this. I drive through here often, so it's cool to see it from above. I liked the choice of music too.
