ISS Timelapse - Deep Space from Space (04/06/07/08 Aug 2024)

ISS Timelapse - Deep Space from Space (04/06/07/08 Aug 2024)


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@cookiemonster2299 - 27.02.2025 01:59

Thankyou 👃❤️🇬🇧

@wjtshane - 27.02.2025 01:01

What a time to be alive ❤ Beautiful! I wish I would witness it for myself one day. The fastness of space and the beauty of the universe

@WarOrange - 26.02.2025 22:53

And to think all of those stars are their solar system's own sun

@robertbrighton9797 - 23.02.2025 03:29

Everything looks so close together but everything is billions of light years apart

@jake_break9185 - 19.02.2025 13:56

We are all alone. It was all just for us.,...

@xKarma_411 - 18.02.2025 04:22

I want to contribute to something that will one day touch the stars.

@Heisenberg.1927 - 17.02.2025 20:53

noise because of EMR?

@SpiritualExperiencers - 14.02.2025 06:41

So much activity going on in space. I love it. Beautiful!!

@mitchconnor3398 - 14.02.2025 04:23

I dont like the comments saying we are tiny and insignificant. We are the reason this happened. We are here to experience something. The good and the bad. I would advise people to be good though.

@Bubsdaddy - 11.02.2025 04:53

Absolutely breathtaking !!!

@LivingIsACrime - 10.02.2025 08:50

1440p 65" tv 3 gram psilocybin that was the most beautiful thing î have ever seen 🤯

@Fwdking - 08.02.2025 13:36

So , we are special, however we are nothing . Just look at all the volumes of everything out there

@kangjhha - 06.02.2025 13:43

well ain't that a view.. really puts perspective on the daily quibbles and quabbles on earth

@wolfreturns - 05.02.2025 04:14

My God, it's full of stars.

@beenasty6980 - 29.01.2025 09:34

The amazing thing is everything looks packed in...but is light years apart.

@pdhafb - 28.01.2025 07:33

Stunningly beautiful ! I swear, those look like spaceships flying by !

@TheGreatMarcus - 28.01.2025 00:47

31 to 45 what are all flying things passing? Is iss lower then satellites?

@Helmut-x7s - 21.01.2025 00:29

Thank you - what a treat 😊💕👍

@coneyworks8791 - 17.01.2025 10:41

The two smaller blurry smudge of stars are the large and small Magellanic clouds, two dwarf galaxies which are gravitationally bound to the milky way. They can really only be seen from the southern hemisphere.

@ken_c508 - 11.01.2025 19:09

too many people dont know that human's eye is not capable to see this..

@stevewilliams6354 - 10.01.2025 01:27

Beam me up I’m tired on living here on earth

@Allenmarshall - 09.01.2025 06:21

Is that what it looks like to an astronaut staring out to space?

@NoreenDyer - 06.01.2025 23:59

💫✨️🎶🌌🌟🌌🎶✨️💫I Love This!!! Total Fascination, Admiration, Bliss, and Appreciation for This, The Cosmos!!! Thank You!!! Also, the music that accompanies this is important and perfect! I thought to myself, besides an occasional moment of quietness, tranquility, I must have my favorite music alongside with me!!! (I can't have the Beloved Cosmos without music!!!) For some reason, Music and the Universe go together!!! Thanks again, and I really loved watching this!!!❤️💫🌍🌟🌌🙏

@kyfeam - 29.12.2024 03:41

we are but a speck of dust in the grandeur of the universe.. you have to be crazy if you think we are the only life forms in the sea of stars..

@MIGELGLORIA - 28.12.2024 23:32


@ten-dimensional - 28.12.2024 19:04

wow, this is beautiful...last time I saw the stars like this was in the mountains camping and it was surreal to see the sky in it's full magnificence.

@user-jf9vx1cl8k - 26.12.2024 04:44

What a view ! Humbling in every way but we're part of it all. There are no words to accurately describe what's out there.

@Laughter_news2025 - 25.12.2024 18:06

Please bring more such videos..❤❤❤

@andrecorreia8767 - 24.12.2024 18:38

Seria ignorância minha afirmar que existe vida só no Paneta Terra, ao olhar essa pequena parte do Universo.

@kslakhani - 20.12.2024 07:02

Can galaxies be seen with naked eye?

@SkySlumber99 - 20.12.2024 06:17

The feeling of being alone... No, there are people, but you are still alone in this world. And there is so much unknown in this world, and space is already so beautiful. You are a unique person. Never believe the words that you are like everyone else, you are a part of this cosmos, you are special. No one has felt what you feel, and no one has experienced like you. We are all here for a reason. We are one soul that experiences different lives. I wish you all the best, don’t forget that you are unique, that you can do anything.

@megamankeht6098 - 17.12.2024 19:37

Crazy how much there is yet at the same time how much there isn’t. That might be the dumbest quote of all time but it’s the best I can do 😂

@insomniumanathema6696 - 16.12.2024 15:43

What are those two big brighter zones? Andromeda? And what abt the other smaller one?

@kb8329 - 16.12.2024 12:33

Each and every one of those stars and in the entire universe, all have a name.

@bryanlahog7948 - 11.12.2024 07:36

All the stars are grains of sand on the beach of the universe

@datboidego - 10.12.2024 09:15

Imagine being able to see this every single night back when light pollution was not a thing, god I would be starring at the night sky all night. It amazes me how some people in this world feel tough and big but in reality they are nothing but a spec of dust in a GIGANTIC universe.

@RattleBoxMedia - 09.12.2024 23:05

Makes me wonder if we really landed on the moon! None of those pictures have any stars in them. Lol Huh?

@Winnspeed - 08.12.2024 07:06

Every time I stress out about anything I check this out and it reminds me, cherish the time I have because it’s just so small and insignificant.

@olehyaro805 - 07.12.2024 23:33

Some of those dots are separate galaxies with hundreds billions of stars

@한쏠로-y9l - 07.12.2024 10:18

별들사이에 날라다니는 게 꽤 많던데 뭘까요?

@davidalexander2167 - 04.12.2024 22:48

Everyone on the planet needs to see this and understand what it means

@bransonman391 - 04.12.2024 16:36

But not from the moon or the moon mission ?

@jaypers232 - 04.12.2024 09:49

The most beautiful sky I ever saw was a remote resort in Loreto Mexico. I’ve never seen anything like that even in the most desolate eastern Oregon camping.

@poontang8035 - 04.12.2024 01:26

It’s mind boggling.

@yiyodrago6469 - 02.12.2024 14:29

We need an Arri Alexa Large Format camera or a Red camera to show the best high definition eye naked footage of all the time

@curtyuiop - 02.12.2024 02:10

And just imagine, every one of those stars has planets and/or planetesimals around them. Plus the ones we can't see behind. If humans are there (u know what i mean), they (of the big dipper say) are only realising now, that we invented radio transmission.

@Chisato_Strafe - 30.11.2024 16:32

As we gaze into the past ... memories of the stars captured by us at this very unique moment and somewhere in the cosmos, millions of years after we've perished, memories of us and our little planet reached.
