Queensland Absentee Surcharge & Land Tax

Queensland Absentee Surcharge & Land Tax

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In May 2017 the Queensland Labor government under regime of Premier Annastasia Palaszczuk introduced a hideous set of taxes on Australian citizens - a first of its kind in Australia. It was announced by the then Treasurer Curtis Pitt.

An Absentee Surcharge PLUS a Land Tax set at a new Absentee rate for ANY Australian Citizen who stays out of Australia for only 6 months or more in a financial year. Effectively a 6 month curfew on all Queensland property owners (with assessed land value $350,000 or more).

Only a small number of exemptions apply. Most 'Absentees' are not exempt.
The Labor government also made it retrospective to back capture those absent in the year before the budget announced legislation.

The fallout of these taxes is severe financial hardship and stress to the point of suicidal property owners. The taxes are multiple times what an ordinary resident would be subjected to (if at all because the threshold does not start until $600,000 for a non-absentee).

People across a broad spectrum of backgrounds have been hit - and examples of those who go overseas are: retirees, expats, people employed overseas, vacationers, long service leave, sabbaticals, overseas students - educational pursuits, internships, scholarships, volunteers, essential family/loved one needs overseas, falling ill whilst overseas and unable to return within the 6 months.

Queensland property owners no longer are likely to take up opportunities abroad if they fall into the absentee category - because the taxes are so extreme. But owners of property owners in other States are free to take up these opportunities abroad - hence severely disadvantaging Queensland property owners from getting ahead in life.

Me and others have been forced to return to Australia and stay a minimum of 6 months.

Income derived from rent is effectively wiped out and even surpassed by the hideous taxes.

People affected are now faced with selling their properties as well and getting out of Queensland.

Victoria is another State with an Absentee Surcharge - but it only applies it to foreign citizens. In fact it also exempts New Zealanders! They have more rights and freedoms than Australians owning QLD property!

The rhetoric spin in reply to a media report on the Absentee Surcharge is deplorable. Their justification is by claiming that it is because Absentees are "generally not subject to the range of taxes used to deliver the high-quality services and infrastructure that ultimately contribute to growth in Queensland property values".

This is false deceptive spin due to the fact whether absent or not, anyone holding property is subjected to a raft of taxes and fees that attract taxes (both State and Federal) as anyone owning properties knows.

The only taxes not being paid when someone is absent would be revenue from those individuals in the way of electricity bills, water rates, local telecommunication bills, internet bills and other local spending - much of which has nothing to do with properties and which the government has no business in policing or charging for.

The infrastructure argument is also flawed in that many property owners will not benefit anyway from infrastructure due to their property's location. If they did benefit then it was already being contributed to by the taxes already being paid before the changes.
This double tax was just invented to steal from Aussies.

Treasurer Curtis Pitt did not even announce Australian citizens being subjected to the taxes in the Budget - just mentioning foreign citizens. Aussies were surreptitiously roped in to avoid fuss and media attention and to avoid losing popularity.
Pitt even announced later that it did not affect 'Queenslanders'. A blatant deception.

The Premier refuses to personally communicate with those affected - abdicating her responsibility and any sense of morality, passing complaints down to the Deputy Premier (Jackie Trad), but it is then passed to the Office of the State Revenue Queensland (OSR) who just recite the legislation as per the QLD Land Tax Act 2017.

My Facebook Group "Queensland Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge Victims' Support" has been set up. The goal is to gain support from politicans and other organisations against these taxes as well as legally challenge the legislation if Palaszczuk will not remove this punitive unconstitutional set of taxes.

I also discuss the intended removal of the Capital Gains Tax exemption for Primary Residence property owners who become non-residents - introduced in the same year (2017) by the then Turnbull Federal Liberal Gvt by the then Treasurer Scott Morrison. Now as Prime Minister, Morrison is still trying to pass the Bill through Parliament but the deadline for property owners is 30 June 2019. Uncertainty abounds and owners have had to sell as they cannot wait for an outcome.



#Queensland #Absentee #Surcharge #QLD #Land #Tax #Palaszczuk #Labor #property
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