Haz una prueba de uso y muéstranos como se acopla tu mano. Porque solo teoría pero nada de como se usa.
ОтветитьI've had the worst experience with the elecom software. It either didn't work several times or bluescreened my computer trying to install. It looks like some sketchy malware installer from 2009.
Never had any issues with mouse software until elecom mouse assistant.
Thank you for showing the details! So many sucking design from ignorant idiots!
ОтветитьDammit, I was considering the Huge specifically because of the hand-size thing. Will probably go for the Kensington Pro after all.
Also, I was wondering why the Deft I got was sticking like that. Never would've guessed it was the bearings.
The bearings on mine have not issue out of the box, it's smooth. The only complaint is the shape, I have large hands, I add a small cushion under the palm to be comfortable
ОтветитьI own the deft pro which is a more compact version of this one, I like the scroll wheel better than I expected because I've been using the MX Master 3 and that scroll wheel is very good.
ОтветитьI have one of the old MS trackballs, and have just worked out that, that's whats giving my RSI.
I don't see this one being much different.
Do any trackball mice have onboard memory? I haven't been able to find a single one.
Ответитьa very nice vid for a small channel
Ответитьif you need 8 buttons on a trackball you got major problems. where a trackball really shines is where you don't have a proper surface for a mouse.. Like on a couch or in a cop car where flat hard surfaces are limited. Trackballs are only good for a few cases.
ОтветитьI have exactly the same problem with this thing because I have large hands. Going to see if there is a stick on cushion I could use to make it less awkward.
Ответитьany love for the cst l-trac ? it's been my daily for about 6 months now
Ответить3 fingers?
How tall are you (asking for relative comparison context... as I'm 6'4")?
I preferred trackman back in the day, though my version was quite old. Middle-click had to be emulated with software, which didn't work under Ubuntu.
Ответитьthe only thing that I don't like about elecom mice is that they put the scroll on the thumb. I much prefer the scroll being a ring around the ball so I can use my ring finger on it.
ОтветитьThanks for including info pertaining to Linux
Ответитьgreat review, what trackball do you recommend for big hands?
ОтветитьA Junk box full of crappy old mice and trackball mice.. I found the difference Between Kensington and Elecom Huge when gaming.. the Elecom Huge is capable of multi button commands pressed simultaneously is possible.. on the other hand Kensington is singular (one button command) is only possible.. so Elecom is better at most while gaming.. is superior in games and other apps/programs for multi commands.. like flying in 3d or paint shop.. Don't be caught in Elite Dangerous with a Kensington mouse in hand. unless you want to grind another 300 million credit ship for days.. Kensington is a lousy mouse. Elecom can do better.. but will they?
ОтветитьMy only experience with trackballs is with the Elecom Huge, which I purchased approximately seven years ago. Recently, the left pointer got a double-click issue. I failed to repair it myself, and I have now sent it to the local tech assistance for repair.
Initially, I chose the Huge because using a regular mouse caused wrist pain. However, during the first week of using the trackball, I experienced some discomfort in either my fingers or hand, though this disappeared by the second week. As a Linux user, I find it great for button mapping, but I have struggled with the software on Windows and couldn't find a way to configure to hold a button to use the ball as a scrollwheel.
I agree that the Huge's precision isn't the best and it may not be the best option for someone working with image editing. However, it has worked well for me even when playing non-competitive games.
Even with my positive experience, I'm surprised at the limited variety of trackballs available on the market. I'm wondering why no other trackball with a similar design has been released, or if any improvements have been made since my purchase. I wish there were as many options for trackballs as there are for mechanical keyboards.
I was very tempted when I first saw this trackball, as my >20 year old Kensington Expert Mouse is close to going to the great IT recycling centre in the sky after the scroll wheel function has completely packed in (after a number of "wobbles" over the years with the scroll wheel, I'd "adjusted" the IR transmitter / sensor once too often and fatigue saw the transmitter physically fall off the board). But your very thorough review has alerted me to the problem of lack of hand support which is SO good on the KEMs. So close but no cigar for the Elecom. What trackball are you "driving" day to day? I love the KEM but I'm always open to new ideas. Thanks for the vid.
ОтветитьThanks for mentioning the issue with large hand size fit. Do you think that Kensington Expert is better for large hands?
ОтветитьIt is designed for the Jpanaese market, so stands to reason.
ОтветитьYou should do a video on replacing trackball bearings.
ОтветитьI would prefer to operate a scroll wheel with my fingers rather than my thumb. They should put it (or a 2cnd one) on the upper right where it's out of the way. I have tried a few Kensington trackballs and I'm always hitting the scroll ring by mistake.
ОтветитьThanks for the video. I'd like to change the bearings. Can you point me how? Also, what's your favorite trackball? Thanks!
Ответить"My hand is 7 inches" and my foot is three hands and 5 fingernails. The efforts of the American Metric Association are useless against the average hillBilly Joe.
BTW, thanks for the very good review
2 things... it has dual batteries, however they are placed in parallel, meaning that it is possible they drain each other out. I Places a piece of paper on one battery, so it one dies, i have a spate to use.
The huge hands at 7.00, why would i want to use the finger tip. I control the ball with 3 fingers at the first finger bents.
What i find hard to operate are the 2 small upper buttons and the back button.
Anyone using this for flight simulator?
ОтветитьSo a couple questions...
First, just for clarity/confirmation... if I intend to use this on a work computer, and I'm unable to install any of my own software not pre-approved by my company, there's no hope to remap any buttons? Not a deal breaker, but that sounds fast less than ideal. But to be fair I have exactly the same issue with my MX Master 3S currently.
Second, can you provide links to the type of bearings you used for the swap? Did you by chance make a bearing swap video, or do you know of a decent video or online tutorial? I'm not necessarily opposed to doing a swap. The Huge seems to hit a lot of points I like. I wish I could find a trackball more analogous to the MX Master 3S though.
I got the elecom huge to use with 3d modelling professionally and I can't really reccomend it as the MMB being absolute ass to use and hold down and lack of on board memory for the binds makes it near unusable. Now pair this with the pretty bad bearings and the ball that badly needs you to polish it yourself, you are better off spending over 100 bucks for something else. Cause by the time the trackball is functional, smooth you have already wasted enough to have gotten something better
ОтветитьI've been using this for about 1 1/2 years. The scroll wheel is no longer working correctly. Looks like I'll attempt to open and clean the cheap mechanical encoder. Why don't they use optical encoded scroll wheels now?
ОтветитьI own two Kensington Expert trackballs (both are over ten years old) and I love them, but just like the Huge, the polling rate of the Kensington is only 125 Hz, and that does not work in high FPS games. I have a 144 Hz monitor, and even at 100 FPS, mouse movement on my Kensington is not smooth in games. I wound up buying a GameBall with a 1,000 Hz polling rate. If there is another fingertip trackball out there with a high polling rate, and more than three buttons, I haven't found it. P. S. That low/high switch on the bottom controls BlueTooth power, not polling rate. The polling rate is stuck at 125 Hz and cannot be changed.
ОтветитьThank you for such a comprehensive review.
ОтветитьHUGE trackboll for SMALL hands)
ОтветитьThis is the only thing I've found that's like the famous Microsoft Trackball Explorer. Big ups to these guys for making an ultimate Tracker!
Ответитьnon off the other review video have talk about the texture on the bottom yet Thank Tech Bytes am getting one next month very excited for this one
ОтветитьWait, a one or two year lifespan is not a deal-breaker? Huh?
ОтветитьTo me, this is way over-engineered. I use a much simpler wired Sanwa trackball device with a thumb-operated ball and fingers-operated left and right mouse clicks and scroll wheel. There was no software to download or any of that kind of nonsense; it worked right away after I plugged it in. I am very happy with my trackball.
ОтветитьI really love your review. You could improve with a little bit of more appealing visual or editing gimmicks to keep it interesting
ОтветитьThis would be a perfect for the anti-right-to-repair shenanigans built into it. I strongly advise that you consider building your own trackball before buying this one.
ОтветитьCiao. dove trovo i cuscinetti in zirconio ? è difficile sostituirli.. ? Grazie !!!
ОтветитьHi, When you say the scroll wheel freewheel. do you mean like the Logitech Master 3? What is your daily driver?
ОтветитьYou can’t replace the support for bigger hands? It sounds like an easy fix, no?
Ответитьhow did you change the bearings? Do you have to open it up?
ОтветитьElecom trackballs do appear to be made for people with short hands. It looks to me like it would be east to fabricate some sort of extension to attach to the rear. I have an old Kensington that has a separate palm attachment.
ОтветитьThanks for the review. How would you say this compares to the Nulea m505 I am on the fence about which to buy. Thanks!