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ENG SUB【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】EP01 Shiyiniang came home in danger and was rescued. 腾讯视频 - 古装剧场 - Get the WeTV APP 137,742 2 года назад
ENG SUB【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】EP07 Shiyiniang and Xu Lingyi got married 腾讯视频 - 古装剧场 - Get the WeTV APP 80,569 2 года назад
ENG SUB【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】EP17 The couple had a sweet meal together 腾讯视频 - 古装剧场 - Get the WeTV APP 110,218 2 года назад