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Does hell exist? Tr3Vel0cita 172,898 12 лет назад
Conspiracy Road Trip: UFOs Tr3Vel0cita 175,838 12 лет назад
Is The Bible Still Relevant Today? Tr3Vel0cita 556,982 13 лет назад
This World: The Shame of the Catholic Church Tr3Vel0cita 123,034 12 лет назад
Is it time for all religions to accept evolution? Tr3Vel0cita 1,573,874 12 лет назад
Is there a difference between a religion and a cult? Tr3Vel0cita 428,508 12 лет назад
The World's Worst Place To be Gay Tr3Vel0cita 1,759,902 13 лет назад
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Are religions unfair to women? Tr3Vel0cita 782,566 11 лет назад
Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools? Tr3Vel0cita 653,780 13 лет назад
Is faith compatible with reason? Tr3Vel0cita 72,683 12 лет назад
Is Atheism an Intolerant Belief? Tr3Vel0cita 63,422 13 лет назад
Is Christianity Being Marginalised? Tr3Vel0cita 10,582 13 лет назад
Is atheism the rational choice? Tr3Vel0cita 137,715 9 лет назад
Is there any evidence for Satan? (2/2) Tr3Vel0cita 55,466 11 лет назад
Should humanists have equal rights to religions? Tr3Vel0cita 170,109 10 лет назад
Does Prayer Work? Tr3Vel0cita 38,330 13 лет назад