Thomas Myers

Anatomy Trains | Tom Myers | Talks at Google Talks at Google 285,241 6 лет назад
Thomas Myers - Fascia 101 functionalpatterns 347,279 10 лет назад
How to Train Fascia with Tom Myers: Tip 1, Vectors Anatomy Trains 62,229 7 лет назад
Thomas Myers - Why does Massage Hurt functionalpatterns 209,966 10 лет назад
ANATOMY TRAINS - Tom Myers Full Interview functionalpatterns 147,974 8 лет назад
How to Train Fascia with Tom Myers: Tip 3, Hydration Anatomy Trains 56,160 7 лет назад
Tom Myers on Yoga, Fascia, and the New Anatomy of the Body YogaUOnline 72,999 9 лет назад
A Minecraft Movie | Offical Trailer Universal Trailers 36 2 дня назад
Tom Myers' self-help routine for the neck Anatomy Trains 79,179 4 года назад
The Anatomy of Vitality - Tom Myers | The Embodiment Conference The Embodiment Coaching Channel 1,741 9 месяцев назад
Clip from Freeing the Shoulders and Arms - BodyReading Anatomy Trains 16,069 5 лет назад
116 - Anatomy Trains Updated (with Tom Myers) AdvancedTrainings 3,538 7 месяцев назад
Introduction to Anatomy Trains Anatomy Trains 168,063 8 лет назад
Tom Myers Introduces Anatomy Trains 3rd Edition Anatomy Trains 102,501 8 лет назад
Tom Myers' self massage routine for the hands and arms Anatomy Trains 39,057 4 года назад
Thomas Myers - Tensegrity Applied to Human Biomechanics functionalpatterns 115,427 9 лет назад
How to Train Fascia with Tom Myers: Tip 2 - Lengthening Anatomy Trains 31,743 7 лет назад
Clip from Unwinding the Spine with Tom Myers - On-Demand Video Anatomy Trains 10,320 7 лет назад