The Philosophy Of Tragedy

The Philosophy of Tragedy: Introductory Lecture 1 by Michael Davis The Philosophy of Tragedy 40,110 4 года назад
The Philosophy of Tragedy: Conclusion by Michael Davis The Philosophy of Tragedy 2,716 4 года назад
Tragedy's Philosophy, Simon Critchley BYU Humanities 40,384 10 лет назад
Friedrich Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy Epoch Philosophy 67,251 4 года назад
Why Greek Tragedy Matters Today The Machiavellians 8,617 1 год назад
Nietzsche and Dionysus: Tragedy and the Affirmation of Life Academy of Ideas 682,219 7 лет назад
Aristotle on Tragedy Overthink Podcast 15,745 1 год назад
A Tragédia da Reforma de Lutero Historias Ancestrales 413 2 дня назад
Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus. Lecture 10 by Michael Davis The Philosophy of Tragedy 13,212 4 года назад
How Art Can Save You | Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy Weltgeist 75,324 1 год назад
Simon Critchley. Hegel: the Philosopher of Tragedy. 2011 European Graduate School Video Lectures 22,048 13 лет назад
Aeschylus's Agamemnon. Lecture 2 by Michael Davis The Philosophy of Tragedy 20,124 4 года назад
Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle: Crash Course Theater #3 CrashCourse 573,491 6 лет назад
Why Do We Watch Sad Movies? The Philosophy of Tragedy Rude Philosopher 341 2 года назад
Berserk as a Nietzschean Tragedy — Art, Morality, Affirmation Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 774,101 3 года назад