The Clintons

The Clintons: America's Most Controversial Political Family Old Money Luxury 398,884 7 месяцев назад
The Clinton Chronicles (1994 Documentary) IZAR PURE WOOL 5,944 2 года назад
10 Tragic Deaths Linked to the Clintons – Coincidence or Conspiracy? RARE History 953,498 4 месяца назад
How The Clintons Became The Most Scrutinised Couple In American Politics | The Clintons | Timeline Timeline - World History Documentaries 1,277,135 5 лет назад
Christopher Hitchens interview on the Clintons (1999) Manufacturing Intellect 2,835,769 8 лет назад
Through Thick And Thin: The Clintons' Untold Story (Full Documentary) | Amplified Amplified - Classic Rock & Music History 68,674 3 года назад
UFOs or UAPs? What the Government Revealed Joe's Quick Clips 4 1 день назад
Clinton & The Clintons | Absolute History Absolute History 165,024 5 лет назад
The Truth Behind the Clinton Body Count Decoding the Unknown 409,971 1 год назад
The Clinton's Halloween Party - SNL Saturday Night Live 4,504,138 11 лет назад
President Clinton opens up about relationship with Monica Lewinsky l GMA Good Morning America 1,597,613 4 года назад
MOST CORRUPT SERIES: President Bill Clinton - Forgotten History FORGOTTEN HISTORY 216,647 3 месяца назад
Joe Rogan on The Clinton's Lying JRE Clips 5,989,776 6 лет назад