
70 Must-Know Chinese Sentences: Listen Once A Day, Naturally Understand Fast Chinese ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 258,872 11 месяцев назад
50 Must-Know Chinese Sentences: Listen Once A Day, Naturally Understand Fast Chinese ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 11,558 1 месяц назад
Meditation - Listen to this if you need motivation. ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 8,291 2 месяца назад
Learn Chinese Easily and Effortlessly: Describing Pictures (with HSK 2-3 Vocab) ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 18,296 5 месяцев назад
LANGUAGE CHALLENGE: Can you say these two-word English sentences in Chinese? ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 49,701 2 года назад
Why you can't understand NATIVE speakers & How to improve your listening EFFORTLESSLY ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 83,213 2 года назад
"Tell me about yourself" Describe Your Character and Personality in Chinese ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 36,051 2 года назад
If you can understand these 18 audio clips, your Chinese is AMAZING! ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 21,263 55 лет назад
Test If You Can Understand This Story WITHOUT English subtitles. ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 14,933 7 месяцев назад
Stop saying 我喜欢(wǒ xǐhuan) - Expand your vocabulary. ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 45,499 6 месяцев назад
Learn Chinese with this video for SUPER BEGINNERS. ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 22,869 10 месяцев назад
Chinese Grammar: 80% of Chinese Sentences Follow This ONE Rule! ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 252,313 4 года назад
Think you know these words? Think again! ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 11,952 1 месяц назад
55 SUPER COMMON Chinese phrases for Chinese beginners to use in real conversation ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 149,458 2 года назад
Spend a weekend with me - Chinese Vlog (HSK2-4) ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 30,331 3 месяца назад
Talk About Daily Activities in Chinese: How to Describe Your Day. ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 59,069 1 год назад
What is your Chinese vocabulary level? Take this test! ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 40,767 2 месяца назад
50 Must-Know Chinese Sentences: Listen Once A Day, Naturally Understand Fast Chinese ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 285,696 1 год назад
Take Your Chinese to the Next Level with ShuoshuoChinese's Patreon Products ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 3,209 3 года назад
Test If You Can Understand This Traveling Vlog WITHOUT English Subtitles | Travel in China Vlog ShuoshuoChinese说说中文 44,237 10 месяцев назад