Shoegaze Reverse Reverb

The Sound of My Bloody Valentine (Reverse Reverb Shootout) SHOEGAZER CHANNEL 175,545 8 лет назад
This Budget Pedal has GATED and REVERSE REVERBS! Manual of Alternative Music 3,652 7 месяцев назад
Yamaha SPX90: The Secret To An 'MBV’ Shoegaze Reverb Sound These Things Make Noises 26,698 1 год назад
Every types of REVERB explained (+ demo tracks) SHOEGAZER CHANNEL 21,336 4 года назад
10 Custom Presets for the ZOOM MS-50G+ (In-depth Pedal Review) SHOEGAZER CHANNEL 28,313 10 месяцев назад
@strymon Couldburst Reverb bringing the #stringensemble #shoegaze #reverb THE PEDAL COLLABORATIVE 508 1 год назад
The Mooer R7 X2 is the most underrated Reverb Pedal for Shoegaze! Manual of Alternative Music 1,449 1 год назад