Prime Light

So Popular. So Compact. So Affordable. AI Prime 16HD Spotlight, Unboxing and Review. BRStv - Saltwater Aquariums & Reef Tanks 92,199 3 года назад
The Little Reef Tank LED That Could? As Long as You Don't Make These Mistakes! AI Prime 16HD Review BRStv - Saltwater Aquariums & Reef Tanks 65,375 4 года назад
PRIMELIGHTS: Light Meter Comparison = FAILURE!!! Patrick Michael 1,299 4 года назад
AI Prime Fuge | The LED light for Refugiums Premium Aquatics 3,423 5 лет назад
Factory Resetting the AI Prime and HD Lights AquaIllumination 73,659 6 лет назад
PrimeLights LED Bolt Assembly and Installation PrimeLights 24,072 5 лет назад
Spotlight on the AI Prime HD LED | BRStv BRStv - Saltwater Aquariums & Reef Tanks 159,321 7 лет назад
PrimeLights Stingray 6XL Garage Install PrimeLights 266,488 3 года назад
Prime Fuge Review: The Best Refugium Light We've Ever Tested—Grow Macroalgae FAST! Bulk Reef Supply - Saltwater Aquariums 18,652 6 лет назад
The BEST Optimus Prime? [Magic Square LIGHT OF PEACE MS-02 Review] JobbytheHong 1,057,726 2 года назад
Aqua Illumination Prime 16 Freshwater LED Macro Algae Spectrum & Setup! Bulk Reef Supply - Saltwater Aquariums 15,924 3 года назад
Testing multiple AI Primes to light a SPS tank | BRStv Investigates BRStv - Saltwater Aquariums & Reef Tanks 136,633 7 лет назад
Will it win our best light of the year? Testing the AI Prime 16 on Nano, 40 Breeder and 120g tanks! BRStv - Saltwater Aquariums & Reef Tanks 166,397 4 года назад