Prefrontal Cortex

2-Minute Neuroscience: Prefrontal Cortex Neuroscientifically Challenged 264,632 5 лет назад
Prefrontal Cortex Sense of Mind 48,896 2 года назад
The Neurobiology of Prefrontal Cortex and its Role in Mental Disorders Yale School Of Medicine 88,769 5 лет назад
Controlling Your Impulses: Prefrontal Cortex! Institute of Human Anatomy 146,970 5 месяцев назад
Emotions: cerebral hemispheres and prefrontal cortex | MCAT | Khan Academy khanacademymedicine 239,503 11 лет назад
The Prefrontal Cortex in 60 seconds The Science of Psychotherapy 49,431 8 лет назад