Positive Birth

My Positive Birth Story (Step By Step Explanation) Bridget Teyler 513,135 1 год назад
My Positive BIRTH STORY + TIPS For Giving Birth Without Epidural Bridget Teyler 1,390,113 3 года назад
My Positive Birth Story | unmedicated pre term birth story Becca De La Creations 61,939 1 год назад
How not to feel frightened about giving birth || Hypnobirthing The Positive Birth Company 178,370 7 лет назад
Why birth doesn't have to be painful | Hypnobirthing Tips | The Positive Birth Company The Positive Birth Company 150,874 3 года назад
My labor routine | best labor positions to ease pain | positive birth stories Pregnancy and Postpartum TV 157,741 4 года назад
My positive home birth story | First time mom Salina King 643 2 дня назад
How I Had a NATURAL and UNMEDICATED Birth | Positive Birth Story Bridget Teyler 874,011 6 лет назад
Positive affirmations will make your birth better | Hypnobirthing The Positive Birth Company 4,398 2 года назад
Top Mistakes Coming Between You and Your Positive Birth Bridget Teyler 19,996 8 месяцев назад
How Gravity Can Make Giving Birth Easier || Positions for Birth || Hypnobirthing The Positive Birth Company 135,831 7 лет назад
7 Ways To Prepare For Birth | 3rd Trimester Easy Birth Prep Bridget Teyler 130,631 1 год назад
Birth can look like THIS (CALM PEACEFUL WATERBIRTH)️ #birth #shorts Pregnancy and Postpartum TV 10,062,509 2 года назад
Birthing The Future | Maya's Story | The Positive Birth Company The Positive Birth Company 4,626 4 года назад