Political Advertising

The evolving "Wild West" of political advertising CBS Sunday Morning 36,442 3 месяца назад
This Is How Modern Political Advertising Works | Fortune Fortune Magazine 4,882 8 лет назад
How effective are political advertisements FOX 4 Now 256 4 года назад
Obama Campaign Ad: Big Bird a Criminal Mastermind The Wall Street Journal 141,385 12 лет назад
Keep Up | Joe Biden For President 2020 Joe Biden 1,551,556 4 года назад
How 'microtargeting' works in political advertising PBS NewsHour 12,821 11 лет назад
Go From There | Joe Biden For President 2020 Joe Biden 1,880,676 4 года назад
Do political ads on TV actually work? Vox 59,333 10 лет назад
How a Political Ad Evolves as It Moves Around America | WSJ The Wall Street Journal 48,265 4 года назад
What it takes to make a great political ad PBS NewsHour 66,787 9 лет назад
Negative vs Positive political advertising: ANU TV 8,707 8 лет назад
Issues Explained: Political Advertising cpac 925 5 лет назад
Political Campaigns: Crash Course Government and Politics #39 CrashCourse 877,041 9 лет назад
The best and the worst midterm campaign videos The Independent 881,534 2 года назад
"The Choice" - Obama For America TV Ad BarackObamadotcom 3,593,634 12 лет назад
X to allow political ads ahead of US election Reuters 3,657 1 год назад