Partha Mitra

LIVE At the Lab with Partha Mitra: AI and brain circuits Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 1,021 4 года назад
Partha Mitra on the Mouse Brain Architecture Project The University of Chicago 944 12 лет назад
The surprising reason birds sing - Partha P. Mitra TED-Ed 663,172 7 лет назад
Modern Neuroanatomy- Introduction to circuits: Prof Partha Mitra Center for computational brain research IITMadras 99 3 года назад
Mapping the mouse brain - Partha Mitra CSHL Prof. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2,041 13 лет назад
Student Research Day, Keynote Address: Dr. Partha Mitra York College TV 1,059 11 лет назад
IIT Madras- CCBR- “The study of intelligent machines” -Prof Partha Mitra CENTRE FOR COMPUTATIONAL BRAIN RESEARCH,IITMADRAS 618 8 лет назад
IIT Madras - I& AR, 1st CCBR workshop- Prof.Partha P Mithra Kannan Krishnamurty 458 8 лет назад
Mapping the mouse brain in 3-D NSF BRAIN Initiative 315 10 лет назад
When Pretty Good is Good Enough Williams College 902 11 лет назад
2021 Honors Novato Chamber Honors Dinner - Large Business of the Year Novato Community Television - NCTV 35 4 года назад
Babli || Director Partha D Mitra 497 6 лет назад
BCBT12 Bassam Bamieh Convergent Science Network 220 12 лет назад
5 - Academic Keynote – Richard Frank, Harvard Medical School Health IT and Economics Research Channel, by CHIDS & FAES 123 8 лет назад