
Build and scale a Python function with OpenFaaS Alex Ellis 13,405 1 год назад
Local Serverless Functions Deployment [Kubernetes + OpenFaas] Yankee Maharjan 12,441 3 года назад
OpenFaaS: keeping serverless simple | John McCabe Serverless Architecture Conference 2,410 5 лет назад
Get your own OpenFaaS Cloud in 100 seconds Alex Ellis 9,956 6 лет назад
How and Why We Rebuilt Auto-scaling in OpenFaaS with Prometheus - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS Ltd CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] 1,763 2 года назад
Introduction to Serverless Golang with OpenFaaS Alex Ellis 3,198 4 года назад
Deploy OpenFaaS on Kubernetes with KinD Alex Ellis 969 5 лет назад
Tour of OpenFaaS framework (April demo) Alex Ellis 3,515 7 лет назад
Meet faasd. Look Ma’ No Kubernetes! - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS Ltd CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] 16,971 4 года назад
Deploying OpenFaas in Kubernetes (Under 5 minutes) Kevin Bonilla 1,729 6 лет назад
Getting Beyond FaaS: The PLONK Stack for Kubernetes Developers - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS LtdSDCC CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] 19,320 5 лет назад