Open Attempt Knowledge

Nathan Hall on Open Knowledge Association of College and Research Libraries 342 4 года назад
Open Knowledge? Impressions GYF Blog 191 9 лет назад
The European ‘Water health open knowledge’ (WHOW) project Publications Office of the European Union 91 3 года назад
Textbook Open Knowledge Network by Vinay Chaudhri Ken Baclawski 85 4 года назад
Open Knowledge and Data! GKSP101 EP037: Lane Rasberry Geekoscopy 101: A Science, Story and Play Podcast 18 2 года назад
Open Knowledge Roundtable | RH Summit 2021 The Open Organization 51 3 года назад
Turning open data into open knowledge Publications Office of the European Union 125 3 года назад
CCCOER Webinar Open Education and Indigenous Knowledge Open Education Global 119 3 месяца назад
Introduction to Open FAIR™ Body of Knowledge - John Linford The Open Group 5,910 3 года назад
How to open a combination safe when you forgot the code? #knowledge #machine #shorts Chinglish Short Videos 1,780 4 месяца назад
Open access: democratising knowledge Jisc 3,762 10 лет назад