Nova Lectio International

Chechnya: Putin's Fake Ally Nova Lectio International 1,116,901 2 года назад
Il Servizio Segreto più letale del mondo Nova Lectio 1,139,775 5 месяцев назад
HAITI - How This Country Became Hell on Earth Nova Lectio International 169,228 1 год назад
SINGAPORE - The Perfect Yet Most Disturbing Dystopia Nova Lectio International 232,248 1 год назад
The collapse of Venezuela, explained Vox 8,686,696 7 лет назад
How Singapore Got Crazy Rich, Crazy Fast Economics Explained 769,844 1 год назад
Genocidio in Ruanda: come è potuto succedere? (Parte 1) Nova Lectio 695,810 3 года назад
KALININGRAD: the russian thorn in NATO's side Nova Lectio International 66,885 2 года назад
Afghanistan: storia di una guerra senza fine (Parte 1) Nova Lectio 1,253,367 3 года назад
Socotra - The treasure island between Yemen and Somalia | DW Documentary DW Documentary 2,859,278 3 года назад
Le colonie Romane in India: Arikamedu e Muziris Nova Lectio 346,462 4 года назад
TAJIKISTAN - Central Asia's Poorest Dictatorship Nova Lectio International 492,254 1 год назад
BHUTAN - The Country that Doesn’t Give a S*** About the World Nova Lectio International 891,244 1 год назад
The Collapse of the Soviet Union: EXPLAINED Nova Lectio International 247,780 3 года назад
World's strangest borders: why do they exist? Nova Lectio 1,001,978 3 года назад
IL LATO OSCURO DEL CACAO Nova Lectio 237,372 5 месяцев назад
Bill Gates: Genius and Philanthropist or Evil Billionaire? Nova Lectio 334,061 8 месяцев назад
Grande Israele: l'ideologia delle frange estremiste israeliane Nova Lectio 454,432 4 месяца назад
COLOMBIA - a Country Destroyed by Drug and Violence Nova Lectio International 199,156 3 года назад
Grecia: la crisi è finita, ma a quale prezzo? Nova Lectio 294,466 4 дня назад
La donna più potente della Corea del Nord Nova Lectio 2,048,357 1 год назад
Inside Gaza: A Journey into Hell on Earth Nova Lectio 1,356,099 3 месяца назад
VENEZUELA - How the Richest Nation in Latin America Collapsed Nova Lectio International 213,575 3 года назад
L’imbarazzante storia di Hunter Biden, il figlio del Presidente USA Nova Lectio 620,661 7 месяцев назад
Turkmenistan: the North Korea of Central Asia Nova Lectio International 5,217,199 3 года назад