Nessa S Lifescape

Having My Cochlear Implant Activated Nessa's Lifescape 54,212 3 года назад
Cochlear Implant Recovery - My Journey Nessa's Lifescape 8,853 3 года назад
3-Year Results: Word and Sentence Recognition Nessa's Lifescape 305 1 месяц назад
My Career Choice as a Hearing-Impaired Person Nessa's Lifescape 616 9 месяцев назад
3 Year Cochlear Implant Update Nessa's Lifescape 496 1 месяц назад
Hearing Impaired Communication Skills Nessa's Lifescape 336 1 год назад
a day in my quiet wfh life : chill, reading , pilates nessa☁️ 418 10 месяцев назад
Tracy: Follow Up 1996 House Institute 420 8 лет назад
Programmable Hearing Aids 2023 saleplace1 10 1 год назад
Guess Who's Back!!!! Letsgonessa 4,946 5 месяцев назад
Cochlear Implant Activation | 10 month old baby Wylder 71,334 6 лет назад
Vlogmas Day 1!! Letsgonessa 2,566 3 месяца назад
MED-EL (Rondo 3) Cochlear Implant Backpack Unboxing Nessa's Lifescape 10,610 2 года назад
My Bumpy Road to a New Hearing Aid Nessa's Lifescape 180 55 лет назад
My Cochlear Implant 2 Week Follow-Up Appointment Nessa's Lifescape 4,868 3 года назад
Cochlear Implant Surgery & Recovery - My Journey Nessa's Lifescape 13,997 3 года назад
1 Year Review of My Cochlear Implant + Audiologist Testing Nessa's Lifescape 4,518 2 года назад
Hearing Aid Accessories Nessa's Lifescape 2,009 1 год назад
Cochlear Implant Speech Practice 2: Featuring Sentences Nessa's Lifescape 1,945 3 года назад
Cochlear Implant Speech Practice: Featuring Words Nessa's Lifescape 10,696 3 года назад
Leonaaa und Nessa am backen Nessaaa 642 18 лет назад