Jeff Lewis Tennis

Improve Your Tennis Forehand Efficiency Tip Jeff Lewis Tennis 1,496 3 года назад
More Forehand and Backhand Power | Tennis Tip Jeff Lewis Tennis 8,402 3 года назад
Hit BIG forehands by watching this Tennis Lesson! Jeff Lewis Tennis 4,449 1 год назад
How to hit Topspin Forehands and Backhands Jeff Lewis Tennis 4,734 4 года назад
The Only Tennis Serve Progression Drills You Need Jeff Lewis Tennis 21,807 11 месяцев назад
Hit The Best Tennis Volley Of Your Life | Tips And Myths Jeff Lewis Tennis 13,811 4 месяца назад
Dealing With Low Balls In Tennis Jeff Lewis Tennis 941 3 года назад
Improve Your Topspin Forehand With These 3 Tennis Drills Jeff Lewis Tennis 2,137 2 года назад
Tennis Forehand: Drills to Develop Next Generation Forehand by Coach Aik Your Tennis Protege 3,304 3 года назад
3-Time Wimbledon Finalist and Grand Slam Champion Teaches Volleys Coachlife - Tennis 65,939 7 месяцев назад
Learn how to hit your backhand like Novak Djokovic... DRILLS Included! Total Tennis Domination 341,584 3 года назад
Improving With The Topspin Pro Tennis Training Aid Jeff Lewis Tennis 100,954 3 года назад
Two Common Mistakes On The Volley | Tennis Volley Technique Intuitive Tennis 224,356 5 лет назад
3 Tennis Movement Tips To Beat Your Opponent Jeff Lewis Tennis 769 6 месяцев назад
Backhand Power & Consistency | Ana Case Study Pt. 1 Jeff Lewis Tennis 1,747 3 года назад
Tennis Volley Technique Jeff Lewis Tennis 556 5 лет назад
Tennis Myths | Improving Your Forehand Jeff Lewis Tennis 8,420 3 года назад
Tennis Backhand Power | Tennis Tip Jeff Lewis Tennis 1,232 3 года назад
The Most Important Tennis Serve Tip Jeff Lewis Tennis 4,333 2 месяца назад
Tennis Serve Placement Tips And Tricks Jeff Lewis Tennis 1,458 11 месяцев назад
Advanced Tennis Serve Technique | Increase First Serve Percentage Jeff Lewis Tennis 2,607 3 года назад
Tennis Serve Drills For Power and Consistency Jeff Lewis Tennis 1,995 3 года назад
First Serve Vs Second Serve | Tennis Serve Tips Jeff Lewis Tennis 2,607 2 года назад
Modern Forehand Spoof Jeff Lewis Tennis 16,508 15 лет назад
USTA 4.0 VS USTA 5.0 Tennis Player | Mic’d Up Tennis Match Jeff Lewis Tennis 1,910 1 год назад