Gwr Kids

Huge Lip Balm Collection GWR KIDS 1,396,049 3 года назад
World's TALLEST and SHORTEST women MEET! | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 188,864 3 месяца назад
Olympics gymnast smashes world records! | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 930,388 5 месяцев назад
COOLEST ANIMAL RECORDS OF 2023 | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 1,561,972 1 год назад
TRY THESE WORLD RECORDS AT HOME! Episode 2 | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 2,908,533 11 месяцев назад
She can name EVERY Disney character! | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 1,958,887 7 месяцев назад
World's smallest hands on a woman #shorts GWR KIDS 40,327,319 1 месяц назад
KIDS breaking world records! | Episode 1 GWR KIDS 301,562 1 год назад
Diana from the KIDS DIANA SHOW broke 2 WORLD RECORDS! GWR KIDS 659,130 5 месяцев назад
BEST WORLD RECORDS OF 2023 | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 3,671,173 1 год назад
World's LONGEST SHOUT! | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 1,451,738 1 год назад
Fun & Cool WORLD RECORDS | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 756,655 1 год назад
Kanya broke an amazing skating record! | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 1,763,019 6 месяцев назад
World's LONGEST LEGS! | Guinness World Records GWR KIDS 3,171,328 1 год назад